I wish i could move to a place where people act like people and lies don't exist, where if you see someone wearing a certain item you dont have to rush to buy it, so you could look like them!! A place where talent is appreciated without having to be related to someone that knows someone or without having to be on the dick of someone that might know someone!! A place where your friends act like friends and show you their true person 150% of the time, where most girls are not hoes in denile, where we men know what and who we want and dont have to be bullshitting and wasting others' time!! Where its ok to be you and who you WANT to be, and not trying to prove something to the fakes around you, and your family!! Where they dont sell big fucking rims and bullshit "baller" accessories, cus most cats are trying to compensate for lacking down south:(!!! Where people do not act like there shit does not stink, 'cus believe me no matter how much money you make and how pretty you are EVERYONE'S shit STINKS and EVERYONE has skeletons in their fucking closets, i wish i lived in a place where i didn't have to write this!