The latest update for lil nica profile My body features.hurm how to describe this.well im neither super slim nor fat.ugly nor beautiful.Just an oridanary girl with a chinesse look. -I have mix personalities that sometimes ppL cant just get me 100%.Im just saying that im a mysterious girl who may or will shock your life.Im a halve introvert and halve extrovert.You got what I mean?Im direct ,open and damn will I annoy you(this personalities are only for certain ppL I noe)Im not a good leader eventhough I have tonz of ideas running thru my head.Im a realist(well kinda).i always and will always do keep my words.Sometimes I can be spontaneous.Im not a good planner.So im used to doing things last-minute.Its intresting but stressing.
i'm a mysterious gurL who can't be predicted..(really i'm not kidding) diFFicuLt to understand but easily to be with it..(i mean in terms of being frens) =)
I see things that some others ppL dont and honestly im a great judge of character.So in this case im a dreamer.I pore over a menu five times and Ill still wont be able to choose;this is why sometimes I let my patner decide for me.Im in touch with my own intuition,so I really do rely on gut instincts.I just like cruising along;nothing to stress;im just happy to do whatever.Basically for me, lifes just grand.I prefer to just go with the flow.
In relationship and love;honesty,caring and all de bla de vour stuff are the spices for my love life.I crave for excitement in relationship.why?Life is short so live it.ive found my idealistic patner and im really grateful for that.I realised this is my chance to prove something that im worthy of.
I cant go on talking bout myself.Im tired and im lazy to type all de words and think the suitable words to use.I rather day-dream.So to make it easier,just noe me den judge me.
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