Raistlin X - May He Rest In Paradise profile picture

Raistlin X - May He Rest In Paradise

About Me

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will.I am a Wiccan/Thelemite professional musician turned network and system administrator. I am a big lover of animals, especially cats. I am a hardcore computer and console gamer. I am deeply spiritually motivated and this love of spirituality and learning about the divine and our place in the Universe is my deepest drive.Just to give you even more details, one major thing that happened to me starting right at the beginning of 2000 at the age of 33, was that I started having extremely horrific medical problems caused by my psycho Pancreas. It started out of some what in a normal manner, gall stones. But the gallstones damaged my pancreas causing pancreatitis. As a result of this I started having frequent, dangerous, life threatening attacks of pancreatitis. This resulted in me having to have an extremely rare surgery called a Total Pancreatectomy and Auto Islet Cell Transplant. I had this May 15, 2003. The surgery removes the entire pancreas, the entire spleen, a tiny bit of stomach, uses a gastric by pass (called the Roux En Y) to reconnect things. Because without a pancreas you cannot convert sugars into a usable substance and would end up severely diabetic, they remove your Islet Cells which handle this and introduce them into your liver where they take up home. It is a risk, they do not always live, and you can be totally non-diabetic or you can end up without any function, or somewhere in between. I have bad diabetes now as a result. But I would have died without the surgery. So I am currently disabled but making improvements and I hope to one day be able to return to work. One of the big problems I have besides pain, and diabetes, is that I can't keep weight on and I am down to 140 lbs! And I am almost 6 feet tall. So I am scrawny right now, but it beats being chubby! LOL.Regarding becoming my friend: Don't add me if you aren't going to communicate in some manner to me. I regularly go through and delete people I haven't heard from or that don't respond to my messages.PLEASE! don't send me a blind Add Request. Drop me a note FIRST introducing yourself. I don't add people just to up my numbers.My Bloginality is ENFP!!!Your blogger code is: B8 d t+ k s u- f i o x- e l+ cLayout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

First of all, and most importantly, You! I have met some very famous people performing in orchestras across the country. What is great about meeting a famous person is you get to see them as they are. Realize famous people are just people. Still I would love to meet Patrick Stewart, Ewan McGreggor, Skully from Godsmack, starhawk, and Tori Amos. It was actually hard to come up with names because I just like meeting people.

My Blog

A message from an online friend, Frags!

Bert's online friend Frags sent this to me in April 2008.  Since today is Bert's birthday, I reread it all the way through (because the first time I opened it I could only cry) and asked Frags if...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 13:55:00 GMT

Obituary for Bert Bolin (the profile youre reading now)

Greetings This is his wife, Ginger.  I figured I’d post this for any people (old friends, music lovers, etc) who might be looking for Bert.  He was very sick with Pancreatitis sin...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:55:00 GMT