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CURRENT MOON lunar phasesMerry Meet! My name is Water. I'm the Sea Witch of Salem. I am a Moon Child, ruled by the Moon and the oceans, a Sea Witch. I receive psychic messages in my dreams, I receive psychic energy from people, and I also receive strong psychic messages from my spirit guides. I'm very in tune with my surroundings and my spirit guides. I'm very drawn to the Moon and Water. My moods change with the cycles of the Moon. I can be as mellow as a low tide, and as dramatic as a tidal wave! My abilities come to me naturally, and that's exactly what being a true Witch is about. I do my spell work with the Moon and the Ocean. I collect rain water from thunderstorms during the Summer season, and rain water in the Spring season. I come and go with the waning and waxing Moon. At times I will be a hermit crab, and at times I will be a social butterfly when there's a full Moon out.I don't follow the laws of man. I follow the laws of nature. I am VERY anti-religion. Religion is pure poison, destruction, deception, and true evil. I'm very relaxed and opened minded. I believe in the Witch's rede : " An' it harm none, do what ye will " I do not judge others, so please, do not judge me. I do not agree with most people in this world, but such is life and all the people in this world. No 2 people will agree with everything. To each their own. Love and Light. Blessed Be! - Wiccan pictures, magickal images, witchy layouts, and more - Wiccan pictures, magickal images, witchy layouts, and more
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter
the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the
stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the
imagery we find here may inspire us or torment
us. Understanding the moon requires looking
within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in
this luminary that circles the earth every
month and reflects the sun in its progress.
Listening to those rhythms may produce visions
and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a
force that has legends attached to it. It
carries with it both romance and insanity.
Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it
is only those willing to work with the force of
dreams that are able to withstand this
reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.
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The Wiccan Rede Bide the Wiccan Law you must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Live and let live, Fairly take and fairly give. Cast the Circle thrice about To keep the evil spirits out. To bind the spell every time Let the spell be spake in rhyme. Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak little, listen much. Deosil go by the waxing moon, Chanting out the Witches' Rune. Widdershins go by the waning moon, Chanting out the baneful rune. When the Lady's moon is new, Kiss the hand to her, times two. When the moon rides at her peak, Then your heart's desire seek. Heed the North wind's mighty gale, Lock the door and drop the sail. When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth. When the wind blows from the West, Departed souls will have no rest. When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast. Nine woods in the cauldron go, Burn them fast and burn them slow. Elder be the Lady's tree, Burn it not or cursed you'll be. When the Wheel begins to turn, Let the Beltane fires burn. When the Wheel has turned to Yule, Light the log and the Horned One rules. Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree, By the Lady, blessed be. Where the rippling waters go, Cast a stone and truth you'll know. When ye have a true need, Hearken not to others' greed. With a fool no season spend, Lest ye be counted as his friend. Merry meet and merry part, Bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Threefold Law you should, Three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow, Wear the blue star on thy brow. True in Love ever be, Lest thy lover's false to thee. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An it harm none, do what ye will!{}
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