I am 16 years young.
I am like nobody you've ever met/will meet.
I am obsessed with going to shows.
I have Myrmecophobia, which is a fear of ants.
I jump to conclusions.
I am witty, creative and funny.
I'm extremely easy going.
I have found an obsession with piercings and tattoos, but too much looks plain trashy.
Shopping can cure anything. If I'm pissed and go shopping, I forget what the fuck I was mad about. GENIUS! I love it!
I'm nice to EVERYBODY...seriously. Even people that don't deserve it.
I have no clue what I want in life. Sad but true. It will find it's way to me one day :D
I like astrology!
I constantly smile.
I'm really forgiving..too forgiving, to the point where I get walked on.
I will help anyone in any situation without a doubt.
I will never go anywhere by myself.
I won't go my life without being noticed.
I question reality and enjoy intellectual conversations.
I misplace things a lot.
I love my family with all my heart.
& I'm obsessed with music!
So why don't you talk to me?
I can talk for hours.
Ohh, and if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. It's a waste of time because I don't care, and weather you love me or hate me, I'm on your mind either way :]