Mind Trail is a solo project featuring the unique talants of a single musician: Duane(Dee)Olsen. "I got my first drum kit by 3 years old. My first guitar at 14 and I have sang all of my life" states Dee. "I love playing drums but I also love writing songs. And being able to shred once & a while is great.On the current EP I have, I played all of the instruments and did all of the singing except some of the back up vocals on the songs 'Reflection' & 'Still Waiting'. Those back ups were done by my good friend and current roomie Sebastien Duguay whom I met in recording arts school." Sebastien currently has his own band going by the name 'Athena Metis'. "It is very hard when you have to do everything yourself. I do prefer being in a band unit where I would only have to concentrate on nailing my own parts BUT in this situation I have complete creative control and I am not forced to rely on anybody else". Dee is currently in the studio recording new material and this time it will be a full length record. "When it comes to recording an album by myself, it's a bit stressful. At first I look forward to it and then by the end of the pre-production stage(this is where the songs are loosely put together to get a sense of where the songs are going before recording takes place) I just want the album to be done. That is the real prize! Actually having the people hear the album is the real prize. And of course performing the album live". Dee is originally from a small town in northwestern Ontario called Kenora(home of the 1907 Stanly Cup champs the Kenora Thistles!) "I Love K-Town(Nick name for Kenora). It's cottage country. I want to open up a recording studio out there on the lake one day. It's so amazing in the summer time!" At age 9 Dee move 200 km west to Winnipeg(go Jets!) "Winnipeg has its charms too. There are an astounding number of beautiful women there per capita! And you can't beat a good greasy fat boy with chilli cheeze fries! The folks back home know what I'm talking about." In junior high Dee joined the school band as a drummer and started to dabble in guitar a bit. "My best friend Reid was and still is a great guitar player. I started to play a little bit every time I went to his house and then eventually we started what was my first band! I was the singing drummer and we did mostly Metallica covers. But we started writing our own stuff right away which is why I really got into guitar." So Dee got his first guitar at age 14 and went from there. "I don't have that guitar anymore. It was a Samick; Styled after a Strat but didn't stay in tune worth a fuck! Now I have 5 guitars; one Ibanez Electric, one Washburn electric, a Cort Electric, Yamaha Nylon classical which I fuckin' love and a 12 string Montana which is currently out of service! I love all of my guitars and of course I want more but right now I'm focusing on my career and getting it off the ground. Since I moved to Montreal 3 years ago I havn't accomplished much in the way of a music career but I have grown as a musician.
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