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About Me

Hey bru, I am in the land of Saffas and the sun rising over the indian ocean. Durban, South Africa to be exact and i will be doing the study thing here until December. Write me and it will make me happy. tell me god american jokes and wonderful gossip items that i will miss because i no longer get US Weekly...

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My Interests

Family, friends, sweating, showers, sleeping, eating breakfast...

I'd like to meet:

Halley Gelpke


Chili Peppers, Taking Back Sunday, From Autum to to Ashes, Damien Rice, Springsteen, and Jeffrey Foucault


Reign Over Me, Gladiator, Miami Vice, The Namesake


Arrested Developement, Reno 911, MTV Jams, and Fuel TV


The Power of One, anything by Brian Jacques, Harry Potter, Steinbeck's, "Log From the Sea of Cortez"


Family, Love, Accepting people