SATRIA in japanese name: Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge), Takumi (open sea)
Nickname: La Tartaruga Di Volo (italiano for The Flying Turtle)... Why with the nick??? ask my fellow tycoon... hmmmm
D-Secure Virus Descriptions : Satria
NAME: Satria
ALIAS: Ilove
TYPE: Resident Boot sectors MBR
[ Satria ] is a typical boot sector virus, which only spreads from a machine to another via floppy disks and propogates when a machine is booted with an infected floppy in drive A:. After this all floppies get infected during access.
Satria activates on the fourth of July. When an infected machine is booted on this date, the virus displays a graphic which says 'I U'. Otherwise the virus just spreads.
Satria also contains two unencrypted texts which are never displayed: 'My Honey B'day' and 'SATRIA'.
This version displays a slightly different screen when activating. It also overwrites the original MBR without saving a copy of it.
[Analysis: Mikko Hypponen, F-Secure]