I like To party, drink, hang out with my friends,
play guitar, camping, going on trips, quading, playing video games, and other stuff...
Well besides that boring stuff =) I like to have fun and laugh, have a good time. Even if I have to entertain myself with random shit (which I'm pretty good at). I won't waste my time with fake ass people who are only about themselves. Unless It's for my entertainment!!! I have great friends and family who always support me or try to lead me in the right direction if I get lost from the path of rightousness. I'm not afraid to say i love my friends and family they're all you have in life at the end, and you should always keep them close.
I Love Girls! They are so complicated and amazing at the same time. I laugh at the things they can make men do. I'm a asshole and a dick to most people I dont like. I talk to people how they want to be talked to (if you are looking for advice i'll give it, if you're looking for attention i'll show it, if you're looking for and Asshole i'll be it). I consider myself a real person, I speak my mind and all. Anyways feel free to send me a friend request or chat or whatever, I would prefer Girls and people in my area -california at least. But I will add out of state/country if you seem cool and interesting. Don't excpect me to jock your pic's and shit.