About me:
"bit of a bitch at times"
mhmm. (L).
lets get drunk. fuck. fight. laugh.
and drink cups of tea in the morning with a fag. sounds good
im rly sarcastic, and im blunt. im prbebly messing about when im nasty, so don't take things to heart. i like waking up late in the afternoon and going out all night. coming home, and munching on noodles. oh, and apperently. i yawn cute. joker.
if you're going to download/and or reading. let me kno!
who i'd like to meet; mre people to drink cider and black with. some one who likes gin as mch as me. lmao, and some fat jkaazzz!
fraser william disney spears, kirsty randall, george joyce, ollie stevens, natalie highfield and josh bonner.(L)
About me: