Hello there!
Welcome to my myspace. It's all happening piece by piece, and in between working on this myspace I play music. So be patient. Sooner or later it'll be more interesting to visit me here...
Anyhow, I’m a fiddle player/singer living in Malmö, Sweden. Traditional music from Sweden and Ireland is what I play the most.
The Swedish music I play mainly tend to come from the southern parts of Sweden, where I’m raised. A lot of my repertoire also come from the mid-western parts of the country.
Most of my Irish tunes I’ve gotten while staying in Belfast, Ennis and Limerick.
I play Swedish music with the band Jidder and Irish music with O’Malley’s Alley. I also enjoy a mixture of both in good company of flute/bouzouki player Markus Tullberg.
In 2003 the country influensed rock band I played in, Mary and the Saints, released the CD ’Come hard times’ on our own label Satori Records. A follow up might appear rather soon...
More music is on it's way. In the meanwhile have a listen to me at:
Best wishes!!