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Name: MaRi
Birthdate: NoVeMbER 25
Birthplace: WaTsOnVillE
Current Location: FrEsno
Eye Color: BrOWn
Hair Color: BlAcK
Height: 5'4
Weight: 135
Piercings: JuSt EaRInGs... But ONe MoRe to COmE THiS SumMer
Tatoos: OnE... a Cute BuTTeRFLy
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: NoPe... NO BoYFriEnd
Overused Phraze: HoW RUdE....
Food: Thai Food
Candy: TaMaRIndo CanDies...
Number: 20
Color: mmm TurQouise..
Animal: HOrSe
Drink: StraWBeRrY SmOOthiE...
Alcohol Drink: mmm AguaBErO.. I thiNk its CallEd LiKe THaT
Bagel: StraWBeRRy BaGel..
Letter: M i think
Body Part on Opposite sex: The EYEs!!!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: SpRIte...
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Jack IN the BOx...
Strawberry or Watermelon: StRaWberRY
Hot tea or Ice tea: NiNguNO De LOs DOs...
Chocolate or Vanilla ChoColaTe..
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: mmm HOT ChoCOloLate`
Kiss or Hug: Un BeSiTO....
Dog or Cat: Dog... I haTe CATS
Rap or Punk: Rap....
Summer or Winter: SummEr... I LoVe the SUn!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: mm BoTh Are InTerEsting!!
Love or Money: LoVe...
Bedtime: mmmm like 2 AM... its a habit!!
Most Missed Memory: Going out with my TWO sisters.... We had FUN!!!
Best phyiscal feature: Take a look!!!
First Thought Waking Up: what am i going to do that day..
Goal for this year: PaSS all My COurSes...
Best Friends: GiRls: MOnica, BreNda, Tuchis.... Guys: Alham, Joser, Richie..... and a lot more..
Weakness: la BeeR...
Heritage: MeXiCan..
Longest relationship: 3 YeArs....
Ever Drank: yeah
Ever Smoked: mmm once
Pot: twice....
Ever been Drunk: yeah
Ever been beaten up: nope
Ever beaten someone up: nah
Ever Shoplifted: nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yeah
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: doesnt matter...
Favorite Hair Color: black
Short or Long: ShoRt PlEaSe..
Height: I like Tall GUys... well at least taLlEr ThaN ME..
Style: pues con que se miren bien HoTTies
Looks or Personality: PeRSOnALiTy...
Hot or Cute Cute...y pues HOT TaMBien..
Drugs and Alcohol: by choice none...
Muscular or Really Skinny: MuScuLaR..
Number of Regrets in the Past: NoNe I DOnT REgRet Any THing I DO!!! I LEARN FROM THEM..
What country do you want to Visit: PARIS (my future honeymoon)
How do you want to Die: ReCosTada En la CamA
Been to the Mall Lately: Duhh... I WORk THeRe
Do you like Thunderstorms: nope they are scary
Get along with your Parents: very GOOd.
Health Freak: not really
Do you think your Attractive: I THink sooo...
Believe in Yourself: 100%
Want to go to College: I am AttEnDiNg FreSNo StaTe
Do you Smoke: nope
Do you Drink: SociAlly
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: OnCe....
Do you Sing: yes i do... when people are not around
Want to get Married: yeah....
Do you want Children: yes i do...i want 4 children!! 2 boys and 2 girls
Have your future kids names planned out: ClaRISsa ItZel... and still thinking!!
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: ah pues cuando me case....
Hate anyone: nah...
Las Novelas for sures!!! Next, MTV Cribs, Pimp my ride, and whatever is on Stars ChaNNelS...
The ALchemist...