~* MaRiSeLa*~ profile picture

~* MaRiSeLa*~

ReSt iN PeAcE....... Mi HoNeY!!

About Me

Hey Hey.... Un pOquito de mi.... My name Is MarIseLa.... i GraDuated frOm WatSonvIlle HiGH schOol And CurRently attenDIng FreSno StaTe!! YeAh Go BULLDOGS!! I aM MaJoRinG in CiViL ENGiNeErinG! so yeah yeah i LOVE MaTh.... planning to minor in MaTH or sOMethIng elSe... sTill ThiNkinG aBouT it... LOL SO yeah this iS my SECoND YEar In FresNO StAtE... StaRted OUt Very Scared... but as my FreShmen Year weNt Along i learNed how TO BE More IndePenDeNt and MoRe ResPonsiBle,y pues tambien apreNdi a ValOrAR mas a MI FaMilia (mi MaMi, PaPi and BroThers anD my SiS)... oh and how can i forget** here in fresno is were i have met very sigNifIcANT PeOpLe that arE Part Of My LIfe TOo.... starTIng WIth My rOoMates(DeNise aNd AnDreA) and also aLl the *FreSno, WatSOnvilLe pEoPle* and just friends.... well yeah but stiLL mIss SoMe of the PeoPle In WaTs!!! weLl for ThoSe that know me u all KnoW hoW i am... me gusta la gente de arranque!!! y no flakers.... Y AsI CoMo ME trAtAn... aSI yo LoS trAtO!!! oh Y pues TaMbIEn asi como Me GUsta La EsCueLa TaMbieN Me GUstaN lOs ParTiEs!!! EverYthiNG is PoSSIble... LOL yeah yeah just BeiNg reAliStiC and ReSponSible.... yeah so as u notiCe I aM a Very PoSiTive GirL that LOvEs ChaLLenGes and aDVentUres!! y pues thats the way to have FuN!! WeLl this iS EnoUgh ahy si quIEren saber MaS.... request me or meSSaGe Me....PaRty PaRty!!!!&clr=0x555555&tseconds1=0"
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My Interests

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Name: MaRi
Birthdate: NoVeMbER 25
Birthplace: WaTsOnVillE
Current Location: FrEsno
Eye Color: BrOWn
Hair Color: BlAcK
Height: 5'4
Weight: 135
Piercings: JuSt EaRInGs... But ONe MoRe to COmE THiS SumMer
Tatoos: OnE... a Cute BuTTeRFLy
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: NoPe... NO BoYFriEnd
Overused Phraze: HoW RUdE....
Food: Thai Food
Candy: TaMaRIndo CanDies...
Number: 20
Color: mmm TurQouise..
Animal: HOrSe
Drink: StraWBeRrY SmOOthiE...
Alcohol Drink: mmm AguaBErO.. I thiNk its CallEd LiKe THaT
Bagel: StraWBeRRy BaGel..
Letter: M i think
Body Part on Opposite sex: The EYEs!!!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: SpRIte...
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Jack IN the BOx...
Strawberry or Watermelon: StRaWberRY
Hot tea or Ice tea: NiNguNO De LOs DOs...
Chocolate or Vanilla ChoColaTe..
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: mmm HOT ChoCOloLate`
Kiss or Hug: Un BeSiTO....
Dog or Cat: Dog... I haTe CATS
Rap or Punk: Rap....
Summer or Winter: SummEr... I LoVe the SUn!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: mm BoTh Are InTerEsting!!
Love or Money: LoVe...
Bedtime: mmmm like 2 AM... its a habit!!
Most Missed Memory: Going out with my TWO sisters.... We had FUN!!!
Best phyiscal feature: Take a look!!!
First Thought Waking Up: what am i going to do that day..
Goal for this year: PaSS all My COurSes...
Best Friends: GiRls: MOnica, BreNda, Tuchis.... Guys: Alham, Joser, Richie..... and a lot more..
Weakness: la BeeR...
Heritage: MeXiCan..
Longest relationship: 3 YeArs....
Ever Drank: yeah
Ever Smoked: mmm once
Pot: twice....
Ever been Drunk: yeah
Ever been beaten up: nope
Ever beaten someone up: nah
Ever Shoplifted: nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yeah
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: doesnt matter...
Favorite Hair Color: black
Short or Long: ShoRt PlEaSe..
Height: I like Tall GUys... well at least taLlEr ThaN ME..
Style: pues con que se miren bien HoTTies
Looks or Personality: PeRSOnALiTy...
Hot or Cute Cute...y pues HOT TaMBien..
Drugs and Alcohol: by choice none...
Muscular or Really Skinny: MuScuLaR..
Number of Regrets in the Past: NoNe I DOnT REgRet Any THing I DO!!! I LEARN FROM THEM..
What country do you want to Visit: PARIS (my future honeymoon)
How do you want to Die: ReCosTada En la CamA
Been to the Mall Lately: Duhh... I WORk THeRe
Do you like Thunderstorms: nope they are scary
Get along with your Parents: very GOOd.
Health Freak: not really
Do you think your Attractive: I THink sooo...
Believe in Yourself: 100%
Want to go to College: I am AttEnDiNg FreSNo StaTe
Do you Smoke: nope
Do you Drink: SociAlly
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: OnCe....
Do you Sing: yes i do... when people are not around
Want to get Married: yeah....
Do you want Children: yes i do...i want 4 children!! 2 boys and 2 girls
Have your future kids names planned out: ClaRISsa ItZel... and still thinking!!
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: ah pues cuando me case....
Hate anyone: nah...


Las Novelas for sures!!! Next, MTV Cribs, Pimp my ride, and whatever is on Stars ChaNNelS...


The ALchemist...
