1. I'd like to meet the sick and twisted fool who invented mascara because God forbid as a southern woman that I walk out my front door without mascara on. What's wrong with people? Can't they accept me for who I am, instead of looking at me like I'm an alien without mascara on...it's true.
2. The jackass that told the idiotic men I hang out with that "IT'S ONLY GAY IF YOU LOOK UP" Because, face it, no matter what it's still gay.
3. I'd like to meet Eve...B!@%h all you had to do was stay away from the damn tree.
4. Finally, I'd like to meet Adam and ask him, "Since when do you listen to women?" Because every man I know refuses to take instructions, they're big bad men...they do their own thing and no woman anywhere is going to tell them what to do--or so my father says.
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I have had many different heros at different points in my life, yet they all seem to let you down because all humans do that. I am not pesamistic, just simply skeptic. I admire my Gandmother very much, yet I hope that I am able to learn from her mistakes. Is a hero is someone that makes you want to be a better person???