About Me
Towards the end of the 70s the Passador brothers used to animate at their boite in Milan a musical collective, one of the most original and creative in the alternative Milan scene, thus founding Gli Allegri Leprotti and developing a taste for a music rich in irony, poetic-intellectual lyrics and a good pinch of folly.
For the next fifteen years or so, never giving up the Rock in Opposition wave, the line-up has been repeatedly renewed and regerated, giving way to new sound colours and images, until the loss of Marco in 1996 put a definite halt to the band’s activity, leaving a heritage of unmistakeable modern ideas and contents.
So when, on the verge of the new Millennium, the thought of putting back together the band is born again, the idea is bringing back all this multi-shaped repertoire. However the band chooses to look at its very first period, wonderful place of daring compositions, of gigs in the open, of drumming fills more or less to the beat, of touring in a van…
They dig out the tapes, the multitracks, the few vinyls; they aplly themselves to a desperate work of rewriting and trascription; they gather back the musicians who can afford the thoughtless instrumental daring attitude, trying to cope the creativity of the past with a recent musical maturity.
On tiptoe they treasure every single nuance, even those little sound incidents that border with mistakes. They won’t trash a single thing in this work of putting back together the broken tapestry of Red Croos nurses in the East, of the obstinate dust in the holiday afternoons, of romantic boatsmen’s laments: each note has its flavour, its charm, its film of mystery.
Then the aid of technology, the miracles of digital assembling, together with the mellonitron’s sprayings meant to unsettle the lounge atmospheres of "Gli Orazi e Curiazi", and then alongside the acrobatical, sarcastic and malicious feminine voice, the refined improvisations with oud and dudùk, the appreciated series of contributes and creativity that exploit this music’s yearning for collective research and invention. A good starting point for future onirical productions and performances.