basketball, running, swimming, playing halo, picking up chicks, talking to my mom, my brothers a priest - just thought youd like to know, listening to music, hanging out with gretchen and liz, and camp
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someone with hair as big as mine.
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fall out boy, taking back sunday, dashboard confessional, brand new, death cab for cutie, simple plan, good charlotte, jack johnson, hawthorne heights, linkin park, papa roach, eminem, SNOOP DOGGG, 50 cent, the killers, michelle branch, brittney spears - shes hott. and more that i cant think of... width="425" height="350" ..
the lizzie mcguire movie, wedding crashers, anything with adam sandlar or carmen electra, pornos, my big fat greek wedding, mission impossible, blue crush, eurotrip, american pie, if you want you can come watch one of these movies with me in my basement.
sports center.
gretchen shiplet and liz hart