Hey guys and girls. We're the new kids on the block. We were the greatest band ever we wrote our own songs and played our own music and cooked our own food and when the game got lonely we had sex with each other. RAD. Our favorite muppet is Rolf, on our tour bus we would sometimes try to have conversations using only the word Rolf. One time Danny was all like to Joey "Rolf" and Joey was like "Rolf?!" and Danny was like "Rolf Rolf Rolf!" Then there was a big fight. Joey forgave Danny for hitting him because Joey was really out of line. Anyway, you guys who are too young to know us may still hear our songs on the radio. We hate Color Me Badd cuz they always tried to rip us off. They suck dude. We love strawberry scherbert and we also like the number 3. its really curvy and almost looks like what an 8 would look like if the cookie monster thought it was a cookie and took a chomp out of its left side. Have a great day and don't forget to pay your taxes. We did one year and our accountant was really mad. We also live on our own planet now. It's called SOFOPIUDFIOJ98. It's pretty good.