Kanye West on Entourage (Includes Good Life Snippet)
I listen to everything, jack johnson to jay-zwant you to pass this message along to Dana. Tell her that I still have the pictures from Cancun. Tell her that I'm going to start a website. I'm going to take a full page ad out in the L.A. Times advertising it. Tell her it will be called I'm-a-hollywood-executive-whore dot com, and that no password or fee will be required. Tell her I want a fucking call back!
"Kristen's cute in that 'I want to marry so I can divorce you someday' kind of way, but that girl last night, she could start wars."
Ari Gold: You and me we have a special bond. Come on, let's go. Lloyd: Ari, swear to me that you will never again say anything offensive to me about my race or my sexual orientation. Ari Gold: I can't swear to that, but I promise I will always apologize after.I would love to show up but it is actually anal sex night at the Gold's house and I have to go home and punish my wife.
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