Currently, I am majoring in Humman Communication with an emphasis in Practical and Professional Ethics, and minoring in Psychology. What does that mean? I don't know...but it's fun stuff. What's next? Grad school in or near a big city. Perhaps one day after I've been in school for most of my young life, I'll obtain a PhD. Medical Ethics sound intriguing to me right now. I am not sure what I'll do after all this, but hopefully it will come to me. PLACE CURSOR OVER PIC FOR CAPTIONSIn the mean time, I am loving life (and hair!) and passionately pursuing different forms of happiness. Running the coastline, writing, reading, going to concerts (I LOVE live music), shopping, cycling, gym, bumming on the beach, drinking coffee and babbling with friends, styling hair, partying, dancing, and being pampered at my day spa are activities that occupy much of my time outside of work and school.
Chill, intelligent people.
Where to start? Jimi. Just ask the axis.
My all time favorite movie is Pulp Fiction. It is such a well written script (think of all the classic, "Say 'what' again, I dare you" ha.) I love all of Quentin Tarantino's films.
I've recently learned that it sounds pretentious to say that television is not wonderful (Jess) I love it. Every show. I watch them all =). I did rent and greatly enjoyed seasons of The West Wing, Six Feet Under, House, and my favorite, Bones (what that says about my personality, I am unsure). If I were forced to watch television (not just rent episodes on DVD), you might find me searching for any Law and Order episode. But I really do hate commercials. What a horrible way to waste your life away. How's that for pretentious, Jess? ha.
What Law & Order Character Are You?
Jack McCoy
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When I am not reading horrifically complex, philosophical nightmare material for school, I enjoy writers that are like my friends, sarcastic and witty, such as Augusten Borroughs and David Sedaris. Also, I enjoy writers that challenge me, particularly morally, and give me something new to work out in my brain. I am currently reading a book by Nick Hornby, he's pretty amusing (not challenging, but funny...I like funny too).
Dr. Ranjana Advani, Dr. Rosenburg (found the cure to my cancer), Dr. Yen, Mom, Matt (little bro), Jacqueline Valerie (niece), and Ms. Jessie Hewitt (best friend ever)... I could throw in Gandhi or some celebrity like Oprah (ha), but these people have done more for me than I thought possible.