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General information Prilep is located in the centre of the south part of Republic of Macedonia. It is situated in Field of Prilep that is in the north part of the largest ravine in Macedonia, Pelagonija. The town is at an altitude of 620 – 650 metres. Prilep's metropolitan area is covering some 511 sq km with a population of about 73 925 (69 888 of them live in the town). Most of the citizens are Macedonian (64 527). A second influential group is the gypsy population (4 421), also 315 Serbs, 254 Turks, 29 Albanians, and small number of citizens from other nationalities.In the history data, Prilep is mentioned in 1014 for the first time. The area of the town and its countryside were one of the most important strategic, political and military places in this part of the Balkans. Many important crossroads, passing from Greece to Adriatic Sea, were crossing through Pelagonija.The vital ancient roads "Via Ignazia" and "Via Militaris" were the most natural connection with the whole Balkans, crossing Prilep. The shortest road that connects Venice and Dubrovnik businessmen with the ones in Thessaloniki was crossing through Prilep, too. Through the centuries many cultures have lived in this area, like Hellenics, Romans, Byzantines, Slavs and many others.The most authentic monument complexes from the ancient period are: Bedem in Cepigovo, Bezisten between Prilepec and Volkovo, and some sightseeings within the town.There are many archeological sites in ancient cities like: Stibera, Alcomena, Keramia, Colobansa etc.It is of great significance to bear in mind the percent of the cultural and historical monuments dated from Middle Age, as following: St. Nicola’s church from XIII century, St. Uspenie church in Bogorodica as a part of Treskavec monastery with XV, XVI and XIX century frescosand icons, and monastery (included St. Preobrazdenie church) situated in the village of Zrze.The most important cultural and historical place is the town itself. It was the center of the largest political and regional organization, crucial political and military place as well as a temporary residence of Tzar Samuil (between the Marco’s Hills Fortress and the round space within the Under Fortress place, Varos and Zagrad). One of the five largest Balkans that is composed of three defense levels and many buildings and gates is a part of Marko's Hills Fortress.The most remarkable development of Prilep is in the last quarter of the XIII and the first half of the XIV century. Results of that development are the important monuments from that period such as: The only researching site (represented with a living place) dating from the Slavic period (X century), St. Arahangel Michael church with FRESKOES from XI century. The town business center with the famous Old Bazaar was built in the XV century.In the period of Macedonian cultural and national revival, Prilep is very important centre of the Slavic literacy, literature and culture. Educational activities from this period have an extarordinary meaning. They are promoted by the Macedonian teachers Jordan Konstantinov (Dzinot), Dimitar Miladinov, Rajko Zinzifov and Kuzman Sapkarev. Please note the influence of the famous collector of Macedonian folk music, stories, legends and myths, riddles, Marko Cepenkov.Within the Ilinden period, the town was a centre of the Macedonian national movement for freedom. 50 revolutionaries like: Pere Toshev, Gorche Petrov, Petre Acev and many more, were members of the National Liberation Army and what is more important they came from Prilep.On October, 11 1941 with the attack over Police station the uprising against fascism started. Macedonian people fought for their national freedom and independence. The Park of Revolution as a historical monument and in the same time the holy joint graveyard in memoriam of over 650 fighters for freedom, is an evidence for the mass and self-sacrificing citizens' participation in the Second World War.Prilep has its essential growth in the after war free development period. Then it became respectably well known political, administrative, cultural, educational, scientific and commercial centre of Macedonia. Prilep has "invested" more than 25 excellent writers in the literature, more than 20 painters and sculptures in the art, and numerous famous scientists in Macedonia and the world. This obvious development has resulted with the establishment of the Faculty of Economy, and the first scientific institutions: Tobacco Institute and the Institute for research and examination of the former Slavic culture. We can see the business life through many industrial branches like: Tobacco industry, Metal industry, Industry for NEMETALI, Chemical, Textile and Wood Industry. Prilep is famous world center for tobacco production. Its tobacco is especially wanted all around the world. Prilep is proud of its high-quality marble dug from the numerous mines in the area. It has a rich cultural heritage and history, represents our national proud, it is a cosmopolitan town often called The Hero Town.

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    Ima gradovi koi se sozdadeni da prkosat....... Nema nasilnici, nema porobuvaci,nema nezasitnici vo pustosenjatakoi trgnale od zapad prema istok i od istok prema zapad, preku balkanot, a koi ne se obidele da go zapalat Prilep,da go sramnat do temeli, kako ne bi mozel ni so rusevinite da svedoci za svojot zivot.     Od site tie nasilnici i porobuvaci, ostanaa se do denes samo mrtvi spomenici,a toj Prilep stoi i ponatamu prkosno.....Od site Makedonski gradovi i prestolnini Makedonskata istorija go odbra tokmu Prilep da svedoci za smrtta na Samuil, za negovata nema sredba so oslepenite vojnici, posle koe mu prepuknalo srceto mozebi zatoa sto znaela deka tokmu tuka srede granitnite karpi koj na ramnotezata kako na prirodna sila znaele da i otkazat poslusnost, najplodotvorno ke se rodi Makedonskata osveta koja Makedoncite ke gi dovede do slobodata.      Balkanskata voinstvena istorija nepomni nitu edna osvojuvacka aspiracija, koja ne se obidela da go prigrabi i osvoi Prilep.I nitu eden od tie obidi za odnaroduvanje ne zavrsil poinaku, tuku so poraz.Odmazdata na onie koi posegnale po Prilep ne ostavila traga, mozebi prkosot Prilepski i tie tragi gi pretvoril vo spomenici na porazot na nasilnicite.      Vrv na vrvovite na site Prilepski prostumenja, bezsomnenie e Oktomvriskoto vostanie vo 1941god. zapocnato vo Prilep.Istorijata nedvosmisleno zabelezala bezbroj dokazi za toa vostanie za vekovnoto prostumenje na gradot-predvodnik.     Prilep i vo slobodata ostanal dosleden na sebesi. Samo sega prkosi vo sozdavanjeto svesen deka slobodata i socijalizmot se sozdavaat edinstveno vo tvorestvoto, pa gradot i covekot mozat da imaat samo onolku vistinska sloboda kolku sto mozat vo sebe da rodat tvorestvo koe ke go izborat vo bratstvo so drugite.Otvoren vo prkosot, Prilep ostanuva otvoren i vo tvorestvoto i toa vo site covekovi vidovi.Site Prilepski idnini se vo nego, kako sto se i site prilepski minata vo prkosot.Titovoto priznanie deka e eden od gradovite-heroi Prilep go primi samo kako obvrska.DA BIDE PRKOS I VO IDNINATA!!!     Prilep lezi na istocniot rab od Prilepskoto pole,koe e del od najgolemata kotlina vo Makedonija-Pelagonija.Gradot e raspolozen megu Markovite Kuli i Zelenik na sever, planinata Selecka na jug, na istok blago se izdignuvaat terasi na nekogasnoto neogeno Pelagonisko ezero, a na zapad siroko se otvora ramninata na prilepskoto pole.     Prilep se najduva na apsolutna nadmorska visocina od 620-650 metri, a na ridestite padini okolu gradot do 680 metri. Niz gradot tecat Dabnicka, Orevoecka i Selecka reka, koi ja formiraat Gradska reka, sto juzno od Prilep, preku rekate Blato se vleva vo crna reka, desna pritoka na Vardar. Na mestoto kade sto e lociran gradot se vkrstosuvaat poveke patista preku koi zapadna Makedonija se povrzuva so Povardarieto,a natamu i so istocna Makedonija. Najznacaen e patot sto vodi od Gradcko preku Prilep za Bitola,Resen i Ohrid i gi povrzuva Povardarieto,region na suptropski kulturi so Ohridsko-Prespanskiot region. Klimata vo Prilep e glavno umereno kontinentalna so slabo vlijanie na sredozemnata.     Blagodarenie na vakvata mestopolozba na prirodna vrata,soobrakajno dobro povrzan so pobliskite regioni i povolnata klima,Prilep otsekogas bil i e vazen administrativen, kulturen, opstestveno politicki i ekonomski centar za posirokata okolina.

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