SCORPIONS are known for their intense and powerful natures. They are willful, proud and calm with an electrifying undercurrent of seething intensity. Purposeful and animated with force, they project a magnetic personality. Their demeanor is dignified and reserved, and many have a gaze that is both direct and penetrating. Their SECRETIVE NATURE make them natural detectives. Many Scorpios possess a suspicious outlook, and need to know the reasons behind everything. When fixed on something or someone, the scorpion perseveres. SCORPIO NEVER SETTLES. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest or not at all. Scorpio will rarely be found in the center of activity, but will always know just what is going on of concern to her. Their tenacity and willpower are enviable, their depth of character and passionate conviction admirable, but it is their deep sensitivity that makes them THE BEST AND MOST LOYAL FRIEND. This same quality makes them the most treacherous of enemies. Their sensitivity, and pride allow them to be easily hurt, and easily roused to heights of anger. AN ANGRY SCORPIO IS A SIGHT TO SEE. Scorpio seethes, and doesn't give it up. When they harness their abundant energy constructively, their self-confidence tempered with shrewdness, and their ambition coupled with generosity toward others, they excel at whatever they undertake. SCORPIOS ARE DEMANDING OF OTHERS, BUT NEVER ASK SOMEONE TO DO WHAT THEY WOULD NOT DO THEMSELVES. They can be fanatically focused and work till they drop, and ask the same of those around them. No middle ground for a Scorpio, all or nothing.
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You Follow Your Head
You're rational, collected, and logical.
Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love.
In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky.
While you're cool, you're not ice cold.
You just know what you want, and don't mind waiting to get it.
Do You Follow Your Head or Your Heart?