Elie Maman, born and raised in New York City, discovered his passion for music at the age of 13. He is the former bassist for the band Vinyl Thread, which has performed at such notable venues as the legendary CBGBS in New York City. He is also adept at the guitar and drums.
One of Elie’s recent projects includes engineer for multi-platinum record producer Arty Skye. Other collaborations include Steven Kubie, an associate on MTV’s Making the Band 4. Another of Elie’s tracks appeared as the opening song on MTV’s Rob and Big, as well as MTV, MTV2, MTVU, MTV.com, iTunes, and MTV commercials.
Most recently, Elie has produced a track, which is featured in a current indie film, which aired on Cablevision, DirecTV and Dish Networks.
In addition to Elie’s accomplishments, he continues to work as a freelance music producer with artists of all genres, including, but not limited to Rock, Pop, Hip Hop and R&B.