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sexy can i?

Im still a Vegas girl at heart

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Hey sexy people!!My name is Priscilla but people call me babi,candygrl,prissexy and BEANER!lol.Ok so ill tell you about my self ok well im Priscilla and i love 2 eat alot!!!lol.So ya Im still a child at heart and i dont wanna grow up!lol i wanna b a child!so people that know me ya u know how i act!lol.i act whatever so if i get hella hyper ill laugh alot and smile alot and laugh ALOT!lol.and im like a joker i always fool around with people im like the "comedian"out pf all people i know.and people luv me 4 that:)!lol so ya!thats it!and if u want more then check out my Survey!ok! hope u like the way i am!!:)!! o and i flirt alot 2!:)START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
G i r l s .E v e r y t h i n g. S u r v e y.2 0 0 Q'S.
.A L L. A B O U T. Y O U.
Name:: Candygrl!!!
Knicknames:: pretzel,prissexy,sleepy,candygirl,and babii
Birthdate:: September baby!
Place Of Birth:: Sin City!
Zodiac Sign:: Libra
Ethnic Background:: Mexican/American
Gender:: a sexy female!
Status:: single!
Siblings:: 2 bros and 2 sis
Animals:: 3 puppies,1 dog,and1 kitten
Hair Color:: light brown
Eye Color:: brown
Height:: like 5'7
Weight:: i aint tellin!!
Personal Style:: preppy
Current Location:: Vegas baby!
Future Location:: i wanna stay in Vegas and in BH
.W H A T. I S. Y O U R. F A V O R I T E.
Color(s):: black,red,and blue
T.V. Show(s):: i have ALLOT!
Movie(s):: noo clue i luv alot of movies
Animal(s):: monkeys,kittens,dogs and puppies
Book(s):: no clue
Magazine(s):: just read watever
Band(s):: Danity Kane
Singer(s):: X-tina Aguilera and Mariah Carey
Type Of Music:: reggaeton,pop,hip-hop.rap,jazz,and rock
State:: Nevada and Cali
Place You Have Been:: Europe
Store(s):: chanel,louie vuitton,prada,versace etc
Food(s):: pozole and CANDY!
Candy:: I LUV ALL OF EM!
Fruit Candy Flavor:: hmm...i luv all of em
Pizza Topping:: pineapple
Department Store:: bloomingdales
Shoe Brand:: playboy,prada,addidas,k-swiss,converse,jordans etc
Make-Up Brand:: MAC!
Scent/Smell:: chocolate
Sound:: of the ocean
Soup:: psh i duno!
Non-Alchoholic Drink:: gatorade,soda,energy drinks,water,vitamin water
Alchoholic Drink:: BEER!
Candle Scent:: chocolate and candy
Sport:: basketball,hockey,tennis,volleyball,boxing,soccer,and football
Sport To Watch On T.V:: basketball,football,soccer,and boxing
Flower:: Rose
Sit-Down Restaraunt:: i dont pay attention 2 em!
Fast-Food Restaraunt:: Jack in the Box
Vacation Spot:: Spain
Clothing Brand:: playboy,bebe,vickis secret etc
Thing To Do:: partying,hanging out with my friends,goin 2 school,working out,playin sports
Song Of All Time:: omg!noo clue!
Weather To Be In:: rainy,sunny,and cloudy
Reality T.V Show:: The Real World
Fictional Show:: i have alot!
Type Of Book To Read:: celeb books
Type Of Jewlery:: Tiffany and Co,chanel,loui vuitton,prada,valentino,playboy,etc
Bathing Suit Style:: bikini
Accessory to have:: necklace
Gum:: stride
Candy Bar:: I LUV ALL OF EM!
Cookie:: Chips Ahhoy
Lip Gloss Brand:: playboy!
Lingerie/Underwear Brand:: vickis secret
Color To Paint Your Toes:: black
Color To Paint Your Nails:: black and i get a manicure
Day of the Week:: friday
Month of the Year:: december,october,and september
Day of the Year:: friday
Holiday:: x-mas,halloween,and my b-day!
Season:: summer?
Amusment Park To Visit:: Disneyland?
Shopping Mall That You Have Been To:: Fashion show mall and MEadows Mall
City:: Vegas and Beverly hills
.W H A T. W O U L D. Y O U. C H O O S E.
Cat or a Dog for a pet:: dog
Hotdog,Hamburger,Veggie Burger:: hamburger
Small Dogs or Big Dogs:: small
Candles or Regular Lighting:: candles
Beach or Mountains:: beach
Soda or Tea:: soda
Water or Kool-Aid:: water
Vegis or Fruit:: fruit
Pizza or Pasta:: pizza
Fish or Chicken:: chicken
Lake or Beach:: beach
Swimming Pool or Hot Tub:: both
Flip Flops or Tennis Shoes:: both
Shopping or Playing Sports:: both
Coffee or Hot Chocolate:: both
Getting a Pedicure or a Back Massage:: both
Alchoholic Beverage or Non-Alchoholic:: both
Swimming or Tanning:: both
Rain or Snow:: both
Sunny and Hot or Cloudy and Cold:: all of em
Winter or Summer:: both
Fall or Spring:: spring
Getting Flowers or Chocolates:: both
Being too tall or too short:: too tall
Going to the zoo or Going to the park:: both
Renting a movie or Going to the movies:: both
Popcorn or Candy(at the movies):: candy
Rollar Coaster or Ferris Wheel:: roller coaster
Going to Starbucks or Baskin Robbins:: both
Rap Music or Alternative Music:: both
Country Music or Pop Music:: pop
Comedy Movie or Romance Movie:: comedy
Action Movie or Scary Movie:: scary
Buy a new DVD or Buy a new CD:: both
Getting Jewlery as a gift or Tickets to see your favorite band play:: both
Dancing or Singing:: both
Mexican Food or Chinese Food:: mexican
Italian Food or Japanese Food:: italian
Not Getting Enough Sleep or Sleeping the Day Away:: sleeping the day away
Going out and getting too drunk or Staying at home with nothing to do:: too drunk
Act in front of an audience or Sing in front of an audience:: act!
Mini Skirt or Short Shorts:: both
Tankini or Bikini:: bikini
Wearing all black or Wearing all white:: all white
Wedding In a Church or Wedding On the Beach:: both
Serious Relationship or Dating Around:: serious
Cell Phone or Computer as Communication:: both
Digital Camera or Camcorder:: digital camera
Eating Too Much or Being Too Hungry:: eating too much
Living In the City or The Country:: Tha city baby!
Having a Mansion or A Few Small Houses In Different Places: mansion
Love or Money:: both
Lust or Love:: love
Having a bunch of kids or Having a bunch of pets:: pets!
.W H O.
Is your best friend:: Eva
Is you crush/boyfriend:: i aint tellin
Do you always have the most fun with:: Eva
Can you tell all of your secrets to:: eva
Would you travel the world with:: eva
Is your best shopping buddy:: Jason and Eva
Is the last person you saw a movie with:: eva and Matt
Is the last person you partied with:: my homiez
Is the last person you went on vacation with:: my family
Is the person who's shoulder you cry on:: eva
Have you known the longest:: eva
Makes you laugh the quickest:: eva
Is your enemy:: jocelyn and this other bitch
Do you not get along with:: i get along with evrybody
Is your oldest friend:: Jason
Is your youngest friend:: Prizzy
Do you see yourself marrying:: i duno
Is the actor you would most like to hook up with:: Brandon routh
Broke Your Heart for the first time:: my x
. W H A T .
Do you want to be/acheive in the future:: b a pro actress
Would You Wish For With 3 Wishes:: hmmm...i duno
Is the one thing you would take on a desert island:: candy
City do you most want to visit:: Time square
Is Your First Thoughts Waking Up:: wat time is it
Are Your Last Thoughts Going to Sleep:: damn!i feel horny
Dessert are you most likely to order:: rootbeer float
Would you Do with a million dollars:: shopping
Have You Secretly Always Wanted To Be:: i aint tellin
Would you dress up as if Halloween was today:: i duno
Is Your Most Memorable Day/Night:: a sleepover with my best g/fs
Do You Do In Your Free Time:: hang out with friends
Animal Would You Like To Be For A Day:: puppy
Is Your Least Favorite Food:: sushi
Is The One Thing You Regret The Most:: hmm....i duno
Did You Want To Be Growing Up:: actress
Is You Favorite Childhood Memory:: goin 2 disneyland with my family
Is The One Country You Would Visit:: canada
Is Your Favorite Style of Clothing:: preppy
Is Your Least Favorite Style of Clothing:: gothic
Would You Do Today If You Were Going To Die Tomorrow:: fun stuff
.W H E N.: huh?
Did you last see a movie(& what movie):: hollywood land on Sunday
Was The Last Time You Kissed Someone:: i always kiss my friends so evryday
Was The Last Time You Said "I LOVE YOU":: i say that evryday
Do you want to get married:: hmm..dont know yet
Do you want to have children:: when its the right moment
Was the last time you went shopping(& where):: this morning
Do You want to Die:: sleeping
Was the last time you excercised:: this morning
Was the last time you got your hair done:: today
Was the last time you went on a date:: dont remember
Was the last time you went to the DR:: DR?
Was the last time you ate/drank:: this morning
Did you first drink alchohol(if ever):: when i was 18
Was the last time you got your way:: pshh i have no clue
Was the last time someone bought you something:: hmm..i dont remember
.W H E R E.: huh?
Do you want to get married at:: dont know yet
Do you want to go on your honeymoon:: Spain
Was your first kiss at:: at a ditching party
Would you go on a first date if it was your choice:: 2 the theaters or go eat dinner
Would you go if you HAD to go on a FAMILY vacation:: Universal Studios
Was Your "First Time" or Where would you want it to be:: my room
Do you go when you are upset:: under my covers
Is your favorite place in the world:: hmm.....candydland!
Do You Buy Most Of your Clothes at:: bebe,playboy store anywhere
Would you like to go on a MISSION trip at:: new york
Would you like to meet THE GUY OF YOUR DREAMS at:: at a friends party
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My Interests

pArTyiNG,taLKiNg On the pHonE,gOiNg oUt,hANgInG wIth mY frIeNdS,EtC.
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My 2nd Favorite Team!! My 3rd favortie team the CELTICS!!!
P Pretty
R Relaxed
I Innocent
S Strange
C Comical
I Influential
L Loud
L Loud
A Angry

I'd like to meet:

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Ashlee Simpson,Jessica Simpson,,Michael Buble,Matt Dusk,Tyra Banks,Hally Barry,Jennifer Aniston,The Veronicas,Angelina Jolie,Scarlett Johanson,Joan Rivers,Melissa Rivers,Britney Spears,Christina Aguilera,Cameron Diaz,Drew Berrymoore,Lucy Lui,Brad Pitt,Vanessa(4rm TRL),LaLa,Damien Fahey,Matt Damon,Freddie Prinze JR,Sarah Michelle Gellar,Green Day,Sean Cassidy,Wally Szczerbiak,Kevin Garnett,Kobe Bryant,Chris Mihm,Sasha Vujacic,Lamar Odom,Bryant Cook,Mark Madsen,Trenton Hassel,Troy Hudson,Lebron James,Carmelo Anthony,Allen Iverson,Richard Jefferson,New Found Glory,My Chemical Romance,Pittbull,Daddy Yankee,Ying-Yang Twins,Usher,Twista,Mike Jones,Slim Thug,Bryant McNight,Alisha Keys,Mariah Carey,Linkin Park,Avenged Sevenhold,Good Charlotte,Simple Plan,Gwen Stefani,J.LO,Celine Dion,Sean Cassidy,Nick Lacey,Tracy McGrady,Yao Ming,Tony Bennett,50 Cent,Eminem,Dr.Dre,D-12,Kelly Clarkson,Clay Aiken,Kimberly Locke,Pink,and thats it i think!

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MySpace Glitter Graphics Ya cuz their cool like that!!! Mr.Fire Christmas rox!!!!
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aLl kIndS of mUsIC!
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mTv,bEt,mTv2,VH1,E!,Boy Meets World,Kyle XY,King of Queens etc.watever is on.

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SUPERMAN!my family,Napoleon Dynamite,Andy Milonakis,Wonderwoman,supergirl,Spiderman etc.