IiN & oUt of cOmPuter$... bOoKs, noVeL$ & edUcaTioNal reaDiNg maTeriaLs.. mOvie$.. mEetiNg frIeNds and ReUnioN$...mu$ic..poeTrY..
Friends... personality check, unconditional.. as long as you'll let me see your real color on time and not pretend you're someone else. I'll know it when I get to spend enough time with you anyway.. I hardly consider first meetings as bases of lasting friendships.
Partner...choosy.. Since I am short, I admire tall men with good posture. Clean set of teeth and neat nails turn me ON, too. But the best assets which matter most are his tantalizing eyes and smart yet humble mind. Personality check..he's got to be strict-looking but sweet inside; tough & strong yet emotional; calm but alert; and cool but never frozen. Most of all, H-O-N-E-S-T!
loVe soNgs..pop & baLLad..meLLoW..CLassiC.. depeNds on the mOod...
Now Playing Pump It by B.E.P.
too many to mention
a lot to remember
All Danielle Steel's books.. Newspapers.. All reading materials...