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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

SPANISH VERSIONSoy un tío guapo, simpático, empático, responsable, organizado ordenado, tímido (al principio de conocer a alguien y depende de la situación y del momento), con buen corazón, sincero, auténtico, transparente, sufridor y temperamental. Soy un tío que sabe de lo que habla, no hablo sin saber para no equivocarme, ni mentir,ni inventar.Sin embargo,a veces (muy poca veces)sin darme cuenta hablo sin saber y me equivoco, pero no es habitual en mi porque no forma parte de mi personalidad. Soy un tío muy ocupado, tenga o no tenga trabajo, siempre encuentro algo qué hacer, no me aburro nunca.No me gusta estar sin hacer nada. Soy crítico, sí, pero todo el mundo lo es, el ser humano es así por naturaleza.Según el diccionario, criticar es exresar un juicio desfavorable, decir faltas o defectos de una persona o de una actuación,obra, etc., de alguien.Es decir,opinar mal sobre alguien o algo,hablar mal de alguien o algo.A nadie le gusta que le critiquen porque hace daño porque a veces lo que digan puede ser verdad y las verdades duelen tanto como las mentiras.Sin embargo, no sólo hay que hablar bien de alguien o algo porque en esta vida hay cosas positivasy cosas negativas de algo o alguien, lo bueno y lo malo, guste o no guste, aunque a veces será subjetivo. Vivo en Madrid desde 2001 y he estado estudiando durante cinco años.He estudiado lo que me gusta y lo que querido.Me gusta mucho vivir en esta ciudad, aunque tengo una relación de amor-odio con ella porque lo tiene todo y no tiene nada.Es una ciudad muy dura y agresiva, la gente es cerrada, antipática, rechazante (he inventado una palabra ya que no aparece en el diccionario) y mala, pero son millones las personas que viven en esta ciudad.Hablo mal de la gente de Madrid debido a la experiencia y la mala suerte que he tenido,a otras personas les ha ido mejor, esto no le pasa a toda la gente.No me siento culpable porque no soy una persona mala ni una persona que rechazar. Hay un montón de cosas que me gustan de Madrid y otro montón que no.He vivido grandes, buenos y felices momentos y experiencias en esta ciudad, que no habría podido vivir en otro sitio. Desde el otoño de 2006 al verano de 2007, a la vez que he estado dibujando un montón en casa, he estado buscando trabajo y he aprendido lo mal y difícil que está encontrar trabajo.Somos demasiadas las personas que estamos sin trabajo en esta ciudad y en el mundo y no hay trabajo para todos.Mientras no me gane la vida como dibujante e ilustrador, debo trabajar y necesito trabajo para poder pagar el alquiler y las demás facturas.Lo he pasado muy mal y he sufrido mucho durante muchos meses y aún sigo pasándolo mal.He ido a un montón de sitios a llevar el currículum y eran pocos los que me llamaban y al final niguno me cogía.Sólo he conseguido trabajos de mierda que me han durado poco y trabajos por E.T.T.. . EXPOSICIONES: _Exposición de dibujos eróticos en el Heatgay 07 dentro de FICEB 07 (Festival Internacional de Cine Erótico de Barcelona) _Exposición de dibujos en LESGAICINEMAD 07(Festival de cine lésbico y gay de Madrid) en el ATENEO CULTURAL 1º DE MAYO. AUDITORIO CCOO.ENGLISH VERSIONI'm a handsome guy who's nice, empathetic,responsible,organised,tidy,shy (at the beginning when I meet someone and according to the situation and the moment)good-hearted,sincere,authentic,transparent,long-suffe ring (now much less),temperamental and spirited.I'm a guy who knows what he talks about, I don't speak without knowing in order not to get wrong nor lie nor make up.However, some times (few times)without realizing I speak without knowing about something that is being talked and get wrong, but it's not usual on me because it's not part of my personality.I'm always a very busy dude when I have a job and when I don't, I always find something to do, I never get bored.I don't like being without doing anything.I'm critical, yes, but everybody is, human being is like this by nature.According to the dictionary,to criticize is expressing an unfavorable, telling mistakes or faults about a person, acting,work,etc.That is, to express a bad opinion about somebody or something,to talk about somebody or something badly. Nobody likes to be criticized because it hurts because at times, what people say might be true and a truth hurts as much as a lie.Nevertheless, we don't just have to talk about somebody or something well because in this life there are positive things and negative things about somebody or something, the nice and the bad,wether we like it or not,at times it will be subjective. I Live in Madrid since 2001 and I've studying for five years.I've studied what I like and what I wanted to.I like living in Madrid very much, though I have a love and hate relationship with it because it has everything and nothing at the same time.It's a very tough and agressive city, people are closed, unpleasant and rejective and mean,but millions of people live in this city.I talk about people living in Madrid badly due to the experience and bad luck I've had, other have had a better experience, this doesn't happen to everybody who's from another place.I don't feel guilty because I'm not a mean person nor somebody to be rejected.There are lots of things I like about Madrid and lots that I don't.I have lived great, good and happy moments and experiences in this city, that I wouldn't have been able to live in another place.From fall 2006 to Summer 2007 I've been drawing a lot at home and looking for a job at the same time, I've learned how bad and difficult it is getting a job.We are too much those who don't have a job in this city and in the whole world and there isn't work for everybody.While I don't live by working as a drafstman and illustator,I must work and I need to, in order to pay my rent and other bills.I've really had a bad time and I've suffered a lot for many months and I'm still having a bad time about this.I went to many places to deliver my c.v. and few were places which I had a call from and none gave me the job in the end.I just got crappy jobs which lasted a few time to me and jobs which I was contracted by temporary work companies.EXHIBITIONS: _Exhibition about erotic drawings on Heatgay inside FICEB (an international festival about erotic cinema held in Barcelona9). _ Drawings exhibited on LESGAICINEMAD (a festival about lesbian and gay cinema held in Madrid)in the facilties used for cultural events belonging to CCOO (Labor Comissions).
Marissa's Meltdown
I've felt many times like Marissa on this video.However, I never dared to scream when I felt like this.
Jimmy Sommerville - Safe in these arms
David Chokachi
David Chokachi Swimming
David Chocachi is the Baywatch dude I like most, he is one of the hottest.We have the same name and we both like swimming.
Vídeos Videos: moby in this world por nikola

Lately, I've felt many times like the aliens on the Moby video do.I think so many times:"People don't leave me all by myself.Don't do this to me"I don't deserve this.
Lady GaGa - Just Dance Official Video (feat Akon & Colby O'Donis)
American Cities That Best Fit You:
60% New York City
50% Austin
50% Chicago
50% Denver
45% Boston Which American Cities Best Fit You?I don't know which answers of the quiz produced these results, but I love both Philly and L.A,too.L.A. amazes me a lot.Well one thing is to love them and another one is that fit me.May be, some cities I love wouldn't fit me.I don't knoew, this is a difficult issue to me.
Diana Navarro - SOLA [ HQ ]
ACUSADOS - Cabecera 1ª temporada [HQ]

Me encanta esta serie.La cabecera es muy buena.I love this tv show.The opening is great.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

SPANISH VERSIONQuiero conocer a tíos y tías de todo el mundo, pero sobretodo de España y Madrid, que es la ciudad dónde vivo. Espero poder ver en persona a la gente que conozca que viva en mi ciudad y en mi comunidad y en otras comunidades autónomas. Quiero conocer a más tíos que a tías, porque: siempre he conocido a más tías que tíos, he tenido más amigas que amigos y porque soy gay .Debe de ser porque por lo general, las tías siempre me han tratado mejor que los tíos desde pequeño, por lo que he tenido más relación con ellas que con ellos. Quiero conocer a gente profunda, que me aporte algo, de la que se pueda aprender, que no sea superficial, con la que pueda contar,con la que tenga puntos o algo en común.ENGLISH VERSIONI want to meet guys and chicks from all over the world,but specially from Spain and Madrid, which is the city where live.I hope to see in person the people I meet who live in my city, in my region and in other regions of Spain.I want to meet more guys than chicks because:I've always met more guys than chicks,I've had more female friends than male friends and because I'm gay.It must be, because in general,chicks have always trated me better than guys have since I was a child, therefore I've had more relationship with chicks than with guys. I want to meet deep people,people who I can learn from, people who aren't superficial,people who I can count on,people who have things or at least something in common with me.

My Blog

ADICTA,SÚPER ENGANCHADA/ADDICTED, SUPER HOOKED ON (3) Desde finales de enero he estado súper enganchado a esta série, es muy buena, después de ver cada capítulo, quiero más.Se ha dicho que es una c...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 06:39:00 GMT

Uno de mis descubrimientos de esta mañana: Ellos - El anillo

Y sigo escuchando canciones para saber si me gustan o no.Después de escuchar algunas canciones de Goldfrapp en youtube,he querido escuchar El anillo de Ellos en myspace, aprovechando que estaba conect...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 03:43:00 GMT


............ .r{}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-far...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 03:03:00 GMT

Guerlain Homme This cologne and its commercial have been the greatest surprise of the season.The most creative and imaginative cologne commercial that I've eve...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 02:30:00 GMT

Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 02:15:00 GMT


Échale un vistazo a este vídeo: Dior Homme Sport
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 02:02:00 GMT


This is the first of a three blogs about the new colognes of this season focusing on actors who appear on their commercials.Both three commercials are great.To me, the key to success for the launching...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 01:58:00 GMT


At times, I've been told that I'm hot.I think I'm not hot 'cause I don't have the features that a hot dude has.One of my features that doesn't  make me hot is my small head.Most of the guys who a...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 06:07:00 GMT


This morning, while I was ironing, I was watching videos from youtube.I started watching Crazy by Britney Spears and then I watched: I kissed a girl by Katy Perry, two videos by Miley Cyrus,SOS by Jon...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 06:24:00 GMT


All by myself..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   So many times I'm down Down down due to the sadness caused by rejection   So many times I've cried fo...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 05:41:00 GMT