| yeah i've CHANGED..for a reason |
16 yrs BLESSED! and i mean every word when i say that. man the Lord has delivered me. He's restored me; renewed me; worked with me, blessed me, saved me & soo much more I can't even begin to explain. i'm walkin down this path that I know couldn't go wrong because He woke me up one day and told me He had a plan for me..so I told Him throw me in the trunk, take the keys and guide me wherever YOU need! i love Him more than I love myself and that will NEVER change. i'm living for Him & Him only. i mean i'm living to try to get other people to see cause it's sad how many people aren't Christian & I want to be a person who makes an impact on that ..but man is He my #1! He's one of the people I'd do absolutely any & everything for, my first REAL love. Never failed me, made me cry, or gave up on me. You realize that temporary happiness of the weed, drank, or people you like can't do what He can..the feeling He gives me NEVER goes away and its js opened my eyes soo much. He's been giving me blessings, after blessings, after blessings..i js don't see how people could miss out on these like this but then I do because I was there once my past had me blinded but now my senses are binded! man is the Lord good? NAH..there's not even a word to explain. but js know this ain't the end..there's more, He has a plan for me..& for you too, if you let Him. i'm letting Him use me & getting overwhelmed with everything He's doing for me, like i know i'ma make it big i'm already on my way i see it day by day..and i'm only 16! I'm not rushin it though cause everythings on His time. I js wanted everyone to know how I feel about HIM! mann, all i gotta say is TRY JESUS! hit me up if you have any questions, i'm here to answer orelse i would've been deleted this booooring myspace..lmbo.