I cannot leave your eyes... profile picture

I cannot leave your eyes...

i cannot leave your eyes, or think that it’s over. you shouldn’t hold me back. please understand

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: matt
Birthdate: 11/21
Birthplace: pittsburgh
Current Location: pittsburgh
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'11
Weight: 185
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Ethnicity: white
Body Type: athletic i guess
Favorite Food: right now... its mcd's snack wraps. those are like crack.
Favorite Drink: sierra mist
Baseball Team: mets for sure.
(when) Bedtime: im a big boy ;[
Favorite Color(s): black.
Favorite Letter: X
Favorite Number: 2
Candy: reeses pieces
Favorite Animal: i enjoy birds
Favorite Messenger: eh...
Screename: eh...
Favorite Store: i shop online a lot...
Most Missed Memory: my aunt Linda
Best Physical Feature: i like my nose.
Overused Phrase: OMG! ROFL! LMAO! WTF? HAR HAR HAR!
First Thought Waking Up: man i wish i could go back to sleep.
Goal for this year: this year? id like to keep my 4.0 going, so i can transfer to a good college for my BA after my associates.
Weakness: eh...
Fears: i dont like bugs, at all.
Heritage: italian/caucasian
Longest Relationship: Jenna
School's Name: Kaplan
Favorite TV Show: Twilight Zone probably.
Have You Ever....
Drank: yep
Smoked: yea, but i dont. cause its foul
Dyed Your Hair: newp
Shoplifted: newp
Tried To Do The Splits: unfortunately..
Tried To Do A Backbend: newp
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: yep
Tried To Do A Handstand: i can walk on my hands... for a little while anyway.
Tried To Act Perfect: i AM perfect.
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: man.. i had so many detentions...
Skinny Dipped: ;O! I WOULD NEVER!
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: "huged" LMFAO "hugged"? wtf made this survey.
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: umm... actually... oddly enough...
Been Dumped: yep
Done Drugs: Rx?
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: girls like me
Ate Sushi: yea i have.
Loved Someone: yes. still do. love never fades.
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: no pref.
Fav Hair Color: no pref.
Short or Long Hair: i enjoy short hair, but... no pref.
Height: short.
Weight: not super skinny, not super fat.
Looks Or Personality: personality without a doubt.
Love or Money: love. but moneys always nice.
Hot Or Cute: cute. hot is too much work.
Drugs and/or Alcohol: i enjoy beer.
Muscular or Really Skinny: what did i just say?
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: ...why am i doing this survey?
Random...: im good at stuff.
How Do You Want To Die?: good question. the best way i can put it is, either something simple, or something super crazy brutal. eg. sleep. or complete body dismemberment.
What country do you want to Visit: austrailia
Been to the Mall Lately: unfortunately. but my best friend works there, so when i do go, seeing her is completely wonderful. other than that, the mall can be nuked.
Do you like Thunderstorms: love them.
Shower Daily: yep
Do you Sing: unfortunately for other people, yes.
Want to go to College: im currently in. and will continue to be, until i have my masters. yep, i got goals sucka!
Clothes: i wear band t-shirts. my shirt today was Judas Iscariot.
Shoes: Etnies.
Make-Up: ...totally not.
Hair Do: hair dont. shaved head.
Phone: my razr. god i hate it. but im due for an upgrade soon. WOOOOOOOOOO
Phone Number: LMFAO! yea right. lets get real.
Location: in a computer chair?
Weather: its thunderstorming
Website(s): nhl.com. lets go Sabres.
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My Interests

gears of war, halo 2, music, sports, xbox360.

I'd like to meet:

well... ill keep it short. id like to meet a bunch of bands i like. good enough?


black metal, death metal, grind metal, melodic death metal, power metal, doom metal, not hardcore, cause i dont punch floors. although i like some stuff thats one step away from hardcore... but for the most part, hardcore can die, kthx. classical, and a bunch of other random stuff.


favorite movie ever is high tension, even though a lot of people dont like it, lol. i dig underworld, the hunted, i dunno.. bunch of stuff.


ufc, a lot of series like the simpsons, the wire, lucky louie, rome, family guy, the twilight zone... i dunno stuff.


i dont really read that much, i like to, but i get bored.


i have a few including but not limited to, my mother, and my best friend Sherry.

My Blog

day one?

yea so, i made a myspace... i know, ew. i actually had it for a long time, like 2004 i think, when myspace first came out, but i never used it. how funny is that? i tried to use an email to sign up an...
Posted by I cannot leave your eyes... on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:14:00 PST