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About Me

I'd be crazy, not to tell you a little about me. well actually that information is for me to know and for you to find out.....so dont be a pussy just ask me!Get This Layout At Vulay.com Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

Tearing it up and have fun, dancing in the streets,always love a good book. Cat's all the way! Cartoons are perfectly acceptable .................... I also ride around with my lil' sis and scream out the window of her car with the music blaring ............. we are weird people ................ and love to try new things.
I got this Sexy Comment from Commentsheaven.com!
How to make a Tilly
5 parts intelligence
3 parts ambition
5 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add sadness to taste! Do not overindulge!
..type=submit value="How do you make a 'you'?"
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
- Get Your Own

I'd like to meet:

Cool Slideshows friend's wisepeople who wont fuck me over ........in other word's no fakes please.
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Almost any kind with the exeption of some country, I'm a dancer soo it's pretty much all good to me. My biggest favs are 80's music, techno and anything with a good beat.
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Most of them! But I loves me a good horror film, and anime rocks.
Cool SlideshowsI love Ranma!!!!!!


T.V. Who watches that anymore? ........... it rots the brain!


Any of Iris Johansen, Steven King, Anne McArthy and Anne Rice.


My stronge mother who finally kick the habit, my sister Tasha and Jeni, My friends Heather and Dawnna for the wonderful lifes they lead and how sweet they still are. And Jessica/Lita because she is stronger then even she knows and she continues to amaze me everyday