Intrinsic 2 Motion profile picture

Intrinsic 2 Motion

One Man, One Platonic Ideal, Living In Two Notions of Consciousness -Be Good 2 Your Groove

About Me

Brought back from the near future, induldged in what should have been in the late 50's. Curious about what time was here and now, i find myself mistified by the adaption of past currents but still misconstrue the thought of equalibrium. My heart belongs to the night air and i feel a strong actuation to the night lights which only in comparison to the mornings weightless color. Passing my time, i burn through wires of locallity in search for enlightenment and to endeavor. Watching this fiber of time, i find myself half inducted and half related, drunk off of motion and yes my leg is beginning to fall asleep. Sometimes i can't help but rest my eyes, my travels have been great and took absorption through time bloomed and peddled along the way. Are these primary notions in established oppinion? I always feel my eyes fluttering when i am nudged by a hand next to me, trying to bring me out of my dreamstate. But still always more felt than seen, a resemblance of assembly. Looking for movement to motion through the un-conditioned, this relation must be chemistry. Why do i think loose angles are so fresh? I can feel it like the tip of my fingertips, like the effect of design. I must continue to provoke substance, to steal infusion, to hold up traces and to feel the nights breeze.

My Interests

- Sensory / Perceptions-º | Abstractness |º - Intrinsics & Intuition- º |- Conciousness -|º |Algorithms vs Ineffability|º - Subconciousness -º | Ideas / point of view |º

I'd like to meet:

Or would have liked to meet: n no particular order Albert Einstienº Chriss Angelº Edward Titchenerº the Fanta girlsº M.C Esherº Socratesº LTJ Bukemº David Humeº Charlie Roseº E.E. Cummingsº Noam Chomskyº Emilo Zapataº Spinozaº Colin Powellº Tony Bennitº Nelson Mandelaº Laura Bassiº George Berkeleyº Zapp & Rogerº Karl Popperº David Blaineº


Anything with Soul and Culture.


Old School Philosophyº Poetry except for slamº Rhetoricº New school Psycologyº Gray Hatº Informative/Persuasive


My Parents and My Religion Are my Salvation & My Inspiration