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About Me

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------- WARNING!!!: HIS MAJESTY KING YESHUA THE MESSIAH which for GOYIM familiar with
------- ABOUT ME: [email protected]. I am Eshet Chayil(ybh), I do exist not by chance but for a Noble purpose(theHarvester), G-d do not seek for a qualified choosen ones but HE qualified the choossen/elect(Charactrer building is life time job ), I who having been justified by Faith(Sola Fide), I am the elect, Newself, Royalpriesthood, Chosen one, Chosen vessel, Imago Dei of HE who is to come/His Image, Yeshua's bride, follower of HE who dwells in Tziyon His holy mountain, follower of SarShalom, follower of: the Son of Ha'Elyon,He who exalted the lowly, He who will rule the house of Yaakov forever(Luke1:33, Daughter of ABBABAPA,..... I bless Yehuda Israel and pray for the Shalom of YerushalayimMY VISUAL PERSONALITY TEST RESULT: Emotional Some people say you're too picky, but you don't see anything wrong with waiting for Mr./Ms. Perfect. You know exactly who s/he is in your mind. Intellectual You have a naturally curious mind. If there's something new that you want to learn, you're not afraid to ask questions or investigate on your own. Physical If the weather is nice, you like walking around your neighborhood. Going to the farmer's market or park is how you prefer to get in physical activity -------Schools (Other): SD ANTAM Pomalaa, SMP PIUS Cilacap, SMAN 70 Bulungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan, Fine Art Departement majored: Graphic Design, STT IKAT: majored: Theology. -------College/University: Universitas Tri Sakti, Attended 1982 - 1987, Class of 1987, Master's Degree, Faculty of Architecture/Fine Art Departement 1987, majored: Graphic Design. STT IKAT 2007, majored: Theology -------Company: Ex-Asistant professors/lecturers in Illustration class & Human Anatomy Drawing class at, Graphic Design, Fine Art Departement, FTSP University of Trisakti, 1984-1987. Ex, Fortune Advertising, (magang) 1987. Ex, Matari Advertising & communication, 1989-1991. present: KEFA Ministries-Visi: Mark 12:29-31 Misi: Mattityahu 25:36-37, GBI REM, 'My Home". -------Occupation: Y-a's partner/co-worker of my Lord in GBI REM("RAHMAT EMMANUELLE MINISTIRES"), KEFA Ministires. -------Affiliations: Social&Religious, GPIB Kharisma Jakarta, RDSB Jakarta, GBI Rahmat Emmanuel Ministries, Kefa Ministries, Every Social&religious organization under one almighty name Ha-SHEM, Jesus Chirist/Yeshua the Messiah are my affiliation...No more wall please, It's not the style nor the denomination nor the walls that's matter but the Message the GOSPEL of SALVATION. Jews&Goyim be united... -------
-------Visit other homepage of mine: ------- online ------- CURSOR

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

------- I'D LIKE TO MEET: The Moshiach - Sar Shalom - My groom His Majesty my Lord my Adon, King Yeshua the messiah. Everyones who would like to share life testimony, knowledge, teaching....also everyones who are witty & have a sense of humour (NO dirty joke !!!)------- I am MARRIED, and if other admire of what I am; how I looked, I take it as a blessing compliment, I m honored, and I m blessed, I thankful to my Creator; Sovereign of the Universe; the Holy ONE Blessed be HE who created me just as what I was,Iam&Iam going tobe (Iam what Iam; not by chance but for a noble purpose, Blessed be HaSHEM). AND WARNING: ALL THE GLORY ONLY FOR HIM BLESSED BE HE HIS MAJESTY MY ADON KING YESHUA THE MESSIAH !!!.------- me Avoid the proud in the imagination of their hearts(the secretly proud), doublefaces,.... -------


My Blog

The Caucus: Obama Says U.S. Could Be Seen as a Muslim Country, Too president stresses commonality with the Muslim world before a speech in Cairo Obama Says U.S. Could Be Seen as a Muslim Country, Too
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jun 2009 01:24:00 GMT

Brigitte Gabriel: Hate preaching in mosques
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 12:36:00 GMT

Death in Iran: Converting from Islam
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 11:27:00 GMT

How Do I Explain Israel's Actions? Even if you don't agree with everything Israel does, any decent person must stand up for Israel's right to self-defense. We can leave the milit...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 22:48:00 GMT

Persecution Continues in Indonesia

Published: Dec 03, 2007 (7:44am) According to Christian World News (CWN), a house church was recently attacked by a mob of Muslim extremists. The Muslim extremists smashed windows, destroyed propert...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:38:00 GMT


..> AND PEOPLE THINK WE CAN NEGOTIATE PEACE WITH PEOPLE LIKE THIS? ..> GLOBAL JIHAD'Don't let teddy bear b--ch see light of day'Mideast terror leaders tell Sudan: 'She must be stoned or fired on.....
Posted by on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 00:49:00 GMT


PERSECUTION OF MESSIANIC BELIEVERS IN ISRAEL ..> The Messianic community in Israel has been, for years, persecuted by the ultra-Orthodox. Spreading lies about individuals, businesses, congregatio...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 22:16:00 GMT

A signal That His Majesty King Yeshua our Lord return is near

..>   ..> A Signal That Jesus' (King Yeshua)Return Is Near Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him.  2 Thessalonians 2:1Whe...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:23:00 GMT

support ISRAEL: A Declaration Against The Annapolis Conference

  ..> A DECLARATION AGAINST THE ANNAPOLIS CONFERENCE   ..> Fellow-citizens and co-heirs, friends and supporters of Israel: What to pray, decree and declare, against the Annapolis, Maryl...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 22:08:00 GMT

I know how to make you a ......

I KNOW HOW TO MAKE YOU A MUSLIM.   Rows of plastic chairs where the grieving family receives condolences, a few dozen colorful plastic flower wreaths leaning against the wall at the entrance to t...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 01:14:00 GMT