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------- WARNING!!!: HIS MAJESTY KING YESHUA THE MESSIAH which for GOYIM familiar with
------- ABOUT ME: [email protected]. I am Eshet Chayil(ybh), I do exist not by chance but for a Noble purpose(theHarvester), G-d do not seek for a qualified choosen ones but HE qualified the choossen/elect(Charactrer building is life time job ), I who having been justified by Faith(Sola Fide), I am the elect, Newself, Royalpriesthood, Chosen one, Chosen vessel, Imago Dei of HE who is to come/His Image, Yeshua's bride, follower of HE who dwells in Tziyon His holy mountain, follower of SarShalom, follower of: the Son of Ha'Elyon,He who exalted the lowly, He who will rule the house of Yaakov forever(Luke1:33, Daughter of ABBABAPA,..... I bless Yehuda Israel and pray for the Shalom of YerushalayimMY VISUAL PERSONALITY TEST RESULT: Emotional Some people say you're too picky, but you don't see anything wrong with waiting for Mr./Ms. Perfect. You know exactly who s/he is in your mind. Intellectual You have a naturally curious mind. If there's something new that you want to learn, you're not afraid to ask questions or investigate on your own. Physical If the weather is nice, you like walking around your neighborhood. Going to the farmer's market or park is how you prefer to get in physical activity -------Schools (Other): SD ANTAM Pomalaa, SMP PIUS Cilacap, SMAN 70 Bulungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan, Fine Art Departement majored: Graphic Design, STT IKAT: majored: Theology. -------College/University: Universitas Tri Sakti, Attended 1982 - 1987, Class of 1987, Master's Degree, Faculty of Architecture/Fine Art Departement 1987, majored: Graphic Design. STT IKAT 2007, majored: Theology -------Company: Ex-Asistant professors/lecturers in Illustration class & Human Anatomy Drawing class at, Graphic Design, Fine Art Departement, FTSP University of Trisakti, 1984-1987. Ex, Fortune Advertising, (magang) 1987. Ex, Matari Advertising & communication, 1989-1991. present: KEFA Ministries-Visi: Mark 12:29-31 Misi: Mattityahu 25:36-37, GBI REM, 'My Home". -------Occupation: Y-a's partner/co-worker of my Lord in GBI REM("RAHMAT EMMANUELLE MINISTIRES"), KEFA Ministires. -------Affiliations: Social&Religious, GPIB Kharisma Jakarta, RDSB Jakarta, GBI Rahmat Emmanuel Ministries, Kefa Ministries, Every Social&religious organization under one almighty name Ha-SHEM, Jesus Chirist/Yeshua the Messiah are my affiliation...No more wall please, It's not the style nor the denomination nor the walls that's matter but the Message the GOSPEL of SALVATION. Jews&Goyim be united... -------
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