To shorten it up... I'm lenient, not weak, caring, but not gullible. Trust is earned. It's also lost on the third mess-up. In the end, it's your word that matters, and whether you keep it. I'll do anything to help my friends with-in my means, my friends are also considerate of my position and never over step their boundaries, and visa versa. Blood is not always thicker than water on earth.Good music, nice people, and their friends. I like a good fiddle player. I like real creative people with a flare for righteous purposes.
Matisyahu, Tori Amos, and Rupaul.
Matisyahu, DJ Brian, DJ Cruz, DJ UCAN, MC Thunder, DJ Aries, Project 23, DJ Irene. TuPac, Dr. Dre, Pussycat Dolls, I actually like Justin Timberlakes' Sexy Back. Yep, I said it. The Presidents of the United States. I think Trent reznor is sexy, but I do not agree with pretty much anything he sings about. ZZ Top. Tori Amos. Godsmack "YOUR ASS SMELLS LIKE A ROSE!!!"
Rocky Bowboa The Three Amigos Emporor's New Groove
don't do telivision
The Bible, Anne Rice, Stephen King, David Leigh, Dean Koontz, Anne Rambling.
Jesus, Paul, John's really dope. Joe Martin.