Where were you born?: Oldham
In what year?: 1988
What color is your hair?: Blonde
What color are your eyes?: Blue
How tall are you?: 5'7
What size are your feet?: 8
Are they ticklish?: Yeah
What's your favorite movie?: Wilde
..Whats your favorite TV show?: Top Gear
Who's your favorite actor?: Stephen
Fry and Michael Sheen
Actress?: Dunno
Type of music?: Rock
Artist/band?: Queen
Color?: Black
Sport?: Football
Food?: Lamb
Season: Winter
School Subject?: History and R.E.
Do you have a best friend?: Yeah
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
How many close friends do you have?: Loadz
Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi
Dogs or cats?: Dogs
Desparate Housewives or Gray's Anatomy?: Desparate Housewives
Where were you when you first heard about the hijackings on 9/11?: On da school bus
Whats the furthest from home you've been?: Lanzarote
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Cuba
Who was the last person who said hi to you?: Melissa
Made you mad?: Dunno
Helped you fix something?: Melissa
Drove you somewhere?: Dad
Bought you something?: Mark
You called?: Emma
You Messaged?: Charlie
Sang to you?: Dunno
Read to you?: Nt years
Have you ever laughed so much milk came out of your nose?: Yeah
Got gum caught in your hair?: No
Ate dog food?: No
Kissed a dog?: No
Aced a test?: Yeah
Stayed up all night?: Yeah
Gone a day without eating?: No
Gone 2 days without brushing your teeth?: Yeah
Can you pat your stomach and rub your head in a circle at the same time?: Yeah
Stand on your hands?: Used 2 be able to
Wiggle your ears?: No
Speak another language?: Bits of French
Make a wine glass hum with your fingers?: Yeah
Whistle?: Yeah
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