Biography:Mischosen is a one man band created by Svarog (Xeper, Besthial - drums till 2008). Band started in February 2004. as a keyboard based ambiental project under name Frozen Sword. Tranquil, guitarless demo was to be finished by the end of 2004, but because of technical problems the data was sadly lost.
It was surely not the end of the band, shortly after new ideas and materials
started taking shape. Guitars were added to the songs giving them much more
power and creating different atmosphere. Lyrics became deeper, death and afterlife themes were
filling the pages. Recording of new material started in July 2007. and was
finished in October 2007. Nikola Lakic (Xeper - guitar) came as album guest
on guitars. Demo was recorded in Svarog's home studio, and was named "Magic,
miracles and rhymes". In July of 2008 Mischosen joined Summoning tribute album "...Anid in the darkness bind them" with cover song "Like some snow white marble eyes". 14 songs were chosen from bands all over the world, all led by Zerivan from Zerivana, who started the project. Right now band is working on new materials and promoting it self to the world.
Discography: "Magic, miracles and rhymes" (demo) 2007
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Mischosen is part of a grate Summoning tribute, more information here:
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