Michael says: "I see the kids in the streets with NOTHING LEFT TO EAT. Who am I to be blind pretending not to see their needs" Allah said feed the poor and help one another and Allah will help you. For God's sake spread this message, this meaningful message and MAKE A CHANGE!!!Allah asks us to do Zakat (donations) from what you have even if it's not that much and help the ones in need, if you read the Qur'an with heart and understand its laws set by the Almighty you'll understand that if those rules were followed, we won't have all the poverty and problems we have today. Islam doesn't need democracy cuz the Almighty Allah has already set clear rules and the reward for its followers is Paradise. Those people suffering hunger and poverty is a reason and a chance from God for you to help them and by doing that you're obeying one of God's five pillars in Islam: 1st is bear witness there's no God but Allah and Muhammad is his final Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him), Salat (meaning praying 5 times a day (Dawn, Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, Nightfall) in which we praise and thank Allah for creating us and ask hi for Guidance to be of those in Paradise (Real Happiness!!!), Fasting Ramadan (the month when the Qur'an was revealed by God who sent
the Angel Gabriel to Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) to guide humanity and have them submit to Allah the Creator and Praise Allah) and by fasting we abstain and avoid all the good things in this life (food, water, sex, drugs...) and do righteousness to the best of your ability [you're supposed to be nice even outside Ramadan to people], Zakat (donations to the poor and hungry, at least 2% of what you make), and the final one which is optional if you have the means is to pilgrim and visit Makkah, and perform pilgrimage and God says that's the safest place to be cuz the energy from Kaaba energizes you and cleans your soul from all the sins you did on earth, Kaaba was proven by Astronauts and then they Illuminati deleted it cuz it was found to have a radiation shooting from it through outer space and the black hole and it seems infinite. That means that Allah connected the Kaaba on this earth with the one in Paradise and the stones with which Kaaba is built
is the oldest there is in this world and the same stones are in Paradise (black stone).Here's the Qur'an and if you read and understand, you'll immediadetly get the ANSWER to all THE QUESTIONS YOU ASKED ALL YOUR LIFE ABOUT OUR PURPOSE HERE!!!
I miss my Kaylee Dahni :( My Shelly Draven, I can't sleep and I sit up at night and cry! I'm very sorry for anything bad I've done Kaylee! I love you Kaylee :( I want my baby back. They killed Brandon Lee just like they killed Michael Jackson cuz this world doesn't like real love and people try to keep us apart cuz we love each other so much. I tried to come close to Paul but he is so possessed with Evil and is stopping us from loving each other. I cried so much I couldn't sleep and since I haven't eaten much these last days and got so much thinner my lips and teeth feel like pins and needles on them when I cry :'( I made you a believer at least in the Existence (not just Catholic or Muslim) and showed you the real path. Love transcends everything and if you have any love for me please sacrifice for this love and for us!!! I got tears from watching The Crow and when you told me you woke up in the middle of the night and then found it on TV and slept and thought of me as the Crow :( I want you!!!