Thank you all for visiting the Official David Chin Music Page hosted by our good friends at Myspace. Here you will be able discover everything you've ever wanted to know about the artist.
For those of you who are new to his site and are visiting due to the layout that you have recently seen in this months issue of Nine5Four magazine, a special thanks is given to you for your interests in David Chin. To all of you who are returning viewers, your love and support as always is greatly appreciated.
Under the advisory of The GimmeDat Media Group, In a recent interview with Nine5Four magazine David stated that his highly anticipated album entitled "Some Other Kinda Love" would be released on the 1st of June, 2008. Unfortunately the label has decided to push back the release of his album to a later date and time. The date hasn't been decided upon as of yet but is expected to be during the Summer.
The GimmeDat Media Group would like to show it's appreciation to all of you who have been patiently waiting for this release with a special limited time offer on all future purchases. For more details on this offer, please use the sign up sheet located on the left of this page.
Once again, Thank you to everyone for your love and support and continued interest in our premier artist, David Chin.Sincerely,Management
The GimmeDat Media Group, Inc.