Me in a nutshell:I am a big pile of contradictions. But that makes me fun and impossible to figure out ;) I am a tree-hugging liberal girl who loves country music and bubble gum pop. I think abortion should always be a woman's choice and that men don't get a real say in the matter because, hey, we're the ones with uteruses. I think condoms should be talked about and given out in school, because let's face it, teens have sex. I vote down party lines, plain and simple. I actually loved Bill Clinton and I think Hillary is a pretty damn smart woman herself. I think that everyone should shut up and stop worrying about gay people. I don't see the big deal at all. In fact, I probably like gay people more than I like straight people. Don't use anti-gay words around me, I'll flip out. I already told Bryce's father off once, I'm not scared to do it again. I think I should be allowed to rip my shirt off and breastfeed in the middle of the mall if I so choose. My boobs were made to feed babies, not to be ogled at by men who then claim to be offended. I tandem nurse my 2.5 year old and my newborn, and I'm kind of proud that I'm the opnly person I know in real life who has tandem nursed :) I'm a feminist. We use cloth diapers & wipes because I'm sick of filling up landfills and, honestly, they are adorable. We try to be "stroller free". Instead, I wear my baby on my back in a long piece of cloth and it's not because I'm "too poor" to afford a "real" carrier (especially when most of my wraps cost over $100)! I drive a hybrid. I recycle. I don't litter. I think global warming is a massive problem. I love Al Gore. I'm not scared to start a fight and I love confrontation. I'm really loud. I hate it when people "shhh" me. I'll tell you exactly how I feel and not sugar coat it at all. I love talking- I can pretty much have a conversation with a brick wall if I had to. I'm great at winning arguments with pure logic. I love cheez doodles, hot dogs and milk. I hate vegetables. Oddly enough I don't eat organic foods. I was born in Bogota, Colombia but I don't speak a word of Spanish. Somehow I ended up with 2 white babies. Go figure. I don't go to church. I think organized religion is scary. My husband is almost as liberal as I am, but he won't admit it in public, though you should hear him talk at home ;) I'm a picture whore...I love getting my picture taken. I love manicures and pedicures. I love makeup but rarely wear a lot. I'm totally type A and I organize everything. I love my label maker. I have a really good memory. I hold grudges. I like living far away from family. I married my college love and I pretty much love every minute of my life with him, T and Samantha. Yeah we have arguments and off days, but I'm pretty sure that's part of a normal marriage :) We have 3 dogs and 4 cats and if you don't like animal hair on your clothes you'd better not come over because THEY live here and YOU don't. I work as a RN in labor and delivery and love (almost) every minute of it. I'm sat for the IBCLCE lactation consultant exam in July because I've learned that breastfeeding is just the most fantastic thing you can do for your child and I really hope I can help more people breastfeed. The breastfeeding rates in this counry are dismal at best, and nowhere near the Healthy People 2010 goals. No, formula is NOT "just as good" and no I don't agree that it should be used for convenience. And no, that's not just MY opinion. That's the scientific opinion of the WHO, CDC and AAP, to name just a few. I'm one of the most unsympathetic people ever. I just put on a good show at work, when really I am rolling my eyes and trying not to laugh. I am also a big believer that hospitals are the single worst place you can have a baby if you are low-risk and have a normal pregnancy. Because the minute you walk into a hospital your risk of c-section increases by like 3 times. Which is why Sam was born at home, in the pool, with a fab midwife :) I have friends who are hardcore catholics, and it's cool with me as long as no one tries to convert me. Or debate politics with me. Or tell me that I'm a murderer. Yeah that gets me fired up FAST.