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About Me

xXx-d0wn t0 bAsiCs-xXx nAme iSh YumEi~ likE dUh. wEll aNywAe...iM aCtuAlliE 14+ yEarS oLd oNli...s0 in othEr w0rds, iM aN illEgAl on dIs wEbbiE. mY stArsiGn iSh gEminI. whiCh mEans iM a vEri wiLfUl pErs0n. bUt...u dUn sEe mE grUmpiE oftEn, n0t dAt iM smiLin aLl thE tYm eithEr...oH nVm. iM m0rE oF thE optiMistiC kiNd. hAppiE g0 lUckiE?? t0 pUt iT simpLiE, iM oUt-g0ing n tAlk a l0tta crAp. oH yAr...i thiNk iM a lil' nErdiE t0o...wAd elSe...hmMMmms...iM tAlL f0r mY aGe i sUpp0sE. 168cM!! i jUs nEed dAt 2cM m0rE...gAwd, hElp mE... -_-|| iM tAn, hAve l0ng hAir, t0o lil' fReEd0m, likE to crAck lAme j0keS...i expEct alAwt fr0m mYseLf n M sElf-m0tivAted.xXx-skEwl liFe-xXx cUrrEntliE in pRsS. w0rsE skEwl evEr. sEc 2E1, liKe hU cAres. iN thE cCa, v0llEybAll. i l0vE it t0 biTs. oH ya...n my 'fAv' tEachEr--mDm LiM. iM wAd u c0mm0nliE n0e aS a mAth blUndEr. gAwd, i suCk iN dAt sUbjEct, dUnNo wHy.xXx-fAmiliE-xXxiN rEal liFe...gAwt my... dAd: fiRm gUy, liKes t0 j0ke aNd pAmpEr uS m0m: prEttiE kEwl dUdEtte bRo: williAm hUng l0o-and-siNg-aliKe aUnT: lYk a siStAh t0 mE iN scHooL...gAwt mY hUsbAnDs: b0oniE n pUikhEi s0ns: yE zh0ng n xUeyIng grAnds0ns: lE0m n l0tsA grEat grEat grEat....grAnds0ns dAd: anGiE m0m: vAl oF c0urSe nAwt f0rgettiNg my rivAl in l0ve--jiAying and mY whEe giRls--m0os n Hl miLk and mY grEat bUds--alL oF u and lAst bUt nAwt lEast---mY bEsteSt bEst bUd, clAraxXx-bEliEveS-xXx i bEliEve in bEinG mysElf anD nAwt chAnging f0r thE sAke oF bEing accEptEd. aNd i dUn hAve a rEligi0n, cuZ im a frEethiNker, n iM prEttiE hAppiE wiTh dAt.xXx-liFe at thE m0mEnt-xXx hUh...okAe l0r...l0tsA strEss, n0 rEst. grEat! yEa riTe. hAish. pUddiT diS wAe...i M pResEntliE l0st n cluEleSs. thE onLie peRs0n wh0 pr0bAbliE undErstAnds mE n0w iSh ocEan. pissEd...hAish...

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