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N E W MAY 2009::
"ALLES ABER ANDERS" 12 musical miniatures about the artist EVA HESSE (Production: Bavarian Broadcast/ CD release Sans Soleil)
Premiere: 8.05.2009 BR2
N E W:
"Die Stille hinter den Worten"
Premiere 24.02.2008 at 3 pm
and 25.02.2008 at 8.30 pm
Hörspiel and Medienkunst, BR 2
"Nothing vanishes in the arcanum of silence.
La vérité est personelle."
Carlos Bica, double bass
Anna Lena Zühlke, voice
Ulrike Haage, prepared piano, electronic and tapes
"Ein Autor hat sich davongemacht. Ein paar Worte hat er uns hinterlassen, die nur noch
in erinnerungsblassen Fragmenten die Räume beleben; Worte, die wie fern vergangene Reflexe einstiger Ideen aufscheinen. Seine Abwesenheit zeichnet eine tönende Spur des
Verschwindens, weckt die Erinnerung an eine schemenhafte Präsenz, die nun nicht mehr
Sprache ist, sondern Nachhall der Worte - Gedankenspuren, die sich in Tonspuren verwandelt haben. Wir, die Verlassenen, bleiben zurück in dem Raum des vollen, erfüllten
Schweigens. Doch irgendwo zwischen den Geräuschen, den Satzfragmenten und den Tönen
aber muss ES noch zu finden sein: dieses Gewesene, das so unerbittlich gegenwärtig ist.
Jeder Ton, jede Silbe, jedes Wort und jeder Name gleicht einer Anrufung, um den Raum des Schweigens mit einer spürbaren Präsenz zu füllen. Schemen des Realen, der Leidenschaft des Todes...Nichts verschwindet. Nichts verschwindet spurlos. Nicht in den Rissen der Welt, nicht im Arkanum des Schweigens." (Harry Lachner)
An author has made off. Disappeared. Leaving us only with a few words, bringing the abandoned spaces of life with nothing but faded fragments of memory. These words sparkle like relfections from a distant past, flashes of erstwhile ideas. His absence has left a trail, laying down a track of resonance and rekindling memories of a vague presence that is no longer language but a mere of the words - thought tracks transformed into soundtracks. We, the deserted, remain behind in this space full of silence, of silence fulfilled. Yet, somewhere among the sounds, the fragments of language and the music IT can surely still be found: the "was", the "has been", that is so implacably present. Every sound, every syllable, every word and every name acts like an invocation, filling the space of silence with a tangible presence. Outlines of the real, of passion, of death...Nothing disappears. Nothing disappears without traces. Not in the fissures of the world, not in the arcanum of silence." (Harry Lachner)
B A C K L I S T CDs and Books •
LAST WORDS with Alexander Hacke, Bobo, Ulrike Haage and in the role of W.S.Burroughs the great GOTTFRIED JOHN (known from Fassbinder films...or James Bond's Golden Eye;-).
The CD contains a lovely cycle of songs about "Old man William Lee", who wrote this book during the last nine months of his life.
CD and / or the BOOK
EXAKTE VISION with great young actors Meret Becker, Judith Engel, Mathias Matschke among others. Exakte Vision tells the cult story of Jules and Jim (Truffaut) in a new way,
through the diary of the real protagonist Helen Hessel, whose writings bring the film story even closer.
HUNGER eatable poetry, spoken pop songs, stories and atmospheres. The first milestone in this genre by the two RAINBIRDS artists Katharina Franck and Ulrike Haage.
DING FEST MACHEN leads into the intellectual and emotional cosmos of the sculptor LOUISE BOURGEOIS. From her book Destruction and Reconstruction of the Father come these fascinating essays and insomnia drawings, performed by intense voices like MONIKA BLEIBTREU and MARTIN WUTTKE. The sound scapes are made of similar material as the sculptures of Bourgeois.
AND THIS IS how it all started, with the music of GOTO, the cult trio with FM EINHEIT, PHIL MINTON, ULRIKE HAAGE, and the JANE BOWLES letters, GONZA MAGILLA - which means a mess, a big mess, alors life in general, as a book. The CD is named after one of Jane Bowles special long and true phrases : BEI UNSERER LEBENSWEISE IST ES SEHR ANGENEHM, LANGE IM VORAUS ZU EINER PARTY EINGELADEN ZU WERDEN ... LIVING THE WAY WE DOIT IS DELIGHTFUL TO BE INVITED TO A PARTY A LONG WAY OFF. This radio play was radio play of the month and kept the radio play charts busy for one year. 3 Janes come alive: Judith Engel, Katharina Franck and Tatja Seibt.
Bernd Hagemann,
Dirk Rudolph,
Fritz Brinkmann,
Dominique Guglieri
Sabine Roehl, Intermogul