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About Me

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Get Your Own Voice Player ManageLife is too much I wanna do, yet so little done. Even if I'm not completely happy w/myself, hopefully I have enough time here on Earth to postively influence others and make them happy through my material/character...and leave my mark.NAME: Aaron................INTERESTS: hanging out w/real friends, drawing/writing scripts/rapping, being creative/artistic, going to the movies, going for walks to clear my head, animation/some video games, hip hop that displays talent, attractive females, sparring, competition, deep conversations, giving advice and making others happy, being happy in general............DISLIKES: snakes (the people kind), immaturity/fakeness, malicious behavior, stuck-up attitudes, instigators, 80% of mainstream "hip hop", closed-minded/judgemental personalities.............DESIRES: to become a successful/wealthy/HAPPY animator/musical producer and contribute to making the world a better place..............I'm a young black man who's trying to make something out of his life, striving for success & stability but even moreso, happiness...I advise you all to do the same.
What Your Soul Really Looks Like
You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.
You are not a very grounded person. You prefer dreams to reality. For you, it's all about possibilities.
You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.
Your near future is likely to be filled with great successes and accomplishments. You just need to figure out how to get there.
For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust. Inside the Room of Your Soul
Hip Hop Truth
What is it about Hip Hop that you love?: The art of being able to spit poetry and display lyrical ability to a beat and make a song
What is it that as a listener you look for in a HIP HOP Song?: AT LEAST decent lyrics, nice beat and although I don't really care for hooks (I do but not as much as the rest), a good one always makes it better
What is more important, a Strong Beat, OR a Strong Hook?: a strong beat
What do you like more a Nice Female singer or a Male singer?: nice female singer
Where do you feel is the HOME of HIP HOP?: I don't even know to be honest, gotta do my research...
Do you feel that Local Groups really ever get a fair play?: not really
Would YOU go see some unknowns Perform to show LOVE for the Local seen?: I sure would
Would you REALLY support and Or Believe a HIP HOP Group from AZ will EVER make it for real?: why not? Talent is talent, it can't be judged on location...
Why is it that People jump on the Bandwagon when something new is out?: Cause they some fad-followers...notice how everyone was on Ja tip until 50 came out, then they just started hatin on him? Same with Biggie and Pac...that whole beef formed a whole army of biased fans
WHY Do people feel that you HAVE TO LIVE in ONLY the South, or Cali, or NYC to make it in the Buisness?: Cause that's just where people usually blow up...but it's really just a stereotype
What about all the People that came form those same places, with the same talant or more, that just live in the AZ?: You...kinda seem obsessed with AZ right about now...
WHY do we not have more Places or Clubs to perform in AZ?: I don't know man...maybe you should file a complaint about that
WHY do people in AZ act so DAMN STUPID at Hip HOP Concerts, shootin and shit?: Cause they ignorant and need some damn real guidance in life
Why are you taking this survey?: a friend suggested it
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My Interests

Let's see, I like drawin (I'm real good at cartoons), goin on good little walks to refresh my mind, listenin to a variety of music, writin rap songs and flowin, excersizin (when I'm not bein lazy), tryin new stuff, chillin w/friends, thinkin, writin scripts and stories and meetin new peeps (but obviously not just anyone) gainin knowledge about different things and gettin fresh gear

I'd like to meet:

JESUS CHRIST...Chris Tucker...Tyra Banks...Monica...Michael Jackson...Nas...Big Tigger(BET)...


NYOIL - Get Lynched

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Get this video and more at MySpace.comLuchini (AKA This Is It )

Add to My Profile | More VideosNas It Aint Hard To Tell

Add to My Profile | More VideosIn regards to music, I don't discriminate; music is the universal language. I enjoy hip hop (particularly ol schoo, right now mainstream "hip hop" needs a shape-up), jazz (particularly smooth), rock, pop, neo soul, hell even alternative...if it's good music, it's good music. But yeah, check out the Aries Spears rap impressions below!Amazing Rap Impersonations

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Rush Hour 1 & 2, National Treasure, Bebe's kids, Guess Who, Juice, other stuff
Your IQ Is 95
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Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional

Your General Knowledge is Average A Quick and Dirty IQ TestNow you see why I don't like taking tests


The Wayans Bros., The Jamie Fox Show (yeah I know they old, too bad I never said I give a #ukk) Flava of Love, Def Jam Poetry, & sometimes paranormal stuff...not too much television is interesting to me these days.


Honestly haven't ready any books lately..."Home of the Braves" & "You don't know me" by David Klass are great, I recommend them, especially to anyone in highschool. Other books I've checked out; The autobiography of Malcolm X and Booker T. Washington. Education is power...yep.


God/Jesus, my grandma, Uncle Avery, and anyone who would encourage me to strive and guide me in the right direction...

My Blog

"Every black person who was killed by lynching was probably called a nigger first..."

First off, I'm not here to preach...don't even get it twisted, I'm here to OPEN MINDS. We all know about the N word...whether you think it's "cool", okay to use or simply degrading, you know about the...
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 11:58:00 PST

"I know how it feel to wake up fucked up..."

Maaaaaaaaaaan I wish there was a way to find out if you're fuckin depressed, cause why lie; I swear I be feelin like that sometimes. Weird thing is I can't exactly put my finger on what the reason is....
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:16:00 PST

Ya'll gotta help me on this one...

Maaaaaaaaaaan this is bout to be one of the most personal blogs I've written in a while. I'ma just cut to the chase on this one; basically I'm really having a hard time trying to figure out whether I ...
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 10:20:00 PST

They say trying to win an arguement with a group of idiots is a waste of time...

and I'm starting to see exactly why whoever "they" are say that. I'm far from an elitist, but it's becoming painfully obvious that when you're up against a bunch of people (or even just a fe...
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 11:57:00 PST

Ya know, there's a lotta garbage hip hop songs hittin the airwaves these days....but...

CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP has got to be the dumbest piece of sh*t out right now. Just terrible, from the concept to the lyrics to the goofyass dance. If you support this infantile, uninspired excuse fo...
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 02:34:00 PST

Somebody gotta change the game...

You know it's real sad considerin hip hop and rap used to be about expressin yourself and displayin the skill u possess. Now most of it is just complete bullshit and played-the-fuck-out gimmicks....
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Thu, 18 May 2006 04:02:00 PST

It shouldn't take a tragedy for change to occur...

Whassup ya'll, it's da foo with the flow comin atcha'll again. You know, a lot of ish has been going on with the family lately, from us almost being homeless just a week ago to my sister just recently...
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Tue, 09 May 2006 10:04:00 PST

Why don't niggas take relationships seriously anymore!?

Ya know what...I've noticed something. It seems that every so often...I'm hearing about another chick who's heart has been broken from a spoiled relationship. Whether it be at my school or checking ou...
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 01:03:00 PST

Ain't that a biscuit...

The SuperBowl is takin place in my home (DETROIT MICHIGAN BABY!) but where the hell am I? Rainy-ass Washington. How appropriate. -_- Ha naw it's all good cause even if I was still in Michiga...
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 06:15:00 PST

Good friends aren't always good advise-givers...

Yo yo yo, the foo with the flow back to kick some knowledge to my peoples of the generation. Ya know, in many cases we may feel down, angry or just plain upset about something. Usually (or at least so...
Posted by 1 of the few appreciatin the simple things in life on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 08:15:00 PST