I have many interests, but a few of my main ones are hanging out with friends, reading fantasy books, watching movies, doing things with my family, and just plainly having fun. I love rainstorm and thunderstorms!!, going on my roof and watch the sun set or rise, waking up early and listening to all the birds, wasting hours on puzzles, listening to music!!! reading poems, looking at art (I love the pictures from the book of mormon and by greg olson) I'm not your average girl ha ha ask anyone who knows me:) I love being different because thats who I am
I think it would be awesome to meet the original 12 apostles..Joseph Smith, the 2,000 stripling warriors, all the prophets! Nephi, Alma, and so many more
this is how I would look if I was an animal
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Im not picky..I will pretty much watch anything as long as its not rated R.. or has alot of vulgar things in it
Haha TOO MANY TO PUT DOWN!! I love books!! I wish I had my own personal library
Jesus My Mother and Father, Michael, Danielle, Jesse, Anthony, and soo many more!.. Thank you all for always being there for me, you really are my heros!!:D.. and just most people I meet.. cuz most likely your going to touch my life in one way or another.. I love you all! Thank you all for everything!