Shopping, Hanging Out With the Clean People, Playing Volleyball, Watching the Simpsons, Driving My Celica, Dance..Dance..Dance...oh yeah and I can't forget the one & only Los Angeles!
A bulldog that can skateboard.
Frank Sinatra(for my lovely days), Green Day, All American Rejects, Dashboard Confessionals(for my emo days), Marvin Gaye(for my sexy days),Snoop,The Strokes, Bloc Party, Cypris Hill(for my gansta days),
Reservoir Dogs, Garden State, Kill Bill, BETTER LUCK TOMORROW, Little Miss Sunshine, Heat, Casino, X-men 1&2, How to Lose a Guy In Ten Days, The Notebook, American Pie, Finding NEMO, Pirates of the Caribbean,
The Simpsons, Grey’s Anatomy, Family Guy, Desperate Housewives, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Cash Cab, Little People Big World, The Real Housewives of Orange County, MTV Music Videos, Six Feet Under, Fear Factor, I Love Lucy, The Office, The Daily Show, Sports Center, Seinfeld, The Wonder Years
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