My real name is Jamie and my corporeal body currently resides in Arizona in a place where all the years are wonderful, or possibly just really well tread. I live tucked away with my best friend Jennie and her family. My essence on the other hand can be found sub-divided into many containers which I have hidden though out the world (although my physical body is known to carry one of them on its person). One such container resides in the world of Vana’diel on the Fairy server and goes by the name Drathon Draktaru.
Jamie tends to like music and wastes large chunks of his time creating it. Much to his chagrin he seems unable to make money at doing it.
Pleasant Valley Aerospace
Pronunciation: /ple-z?nt va-le 'er-o-,spas/
Function: noun
1. Band featuring Jamie Jenness and Chris Amato.
2. The twinner of Panacea Release Play Volts
3. A branch of Pleasant Valley Technologies Incorporated
The Once and Future Lich King:
Jamie is also known as Phantom of the band Zombie Death Stench . Along with Shadow Fiend he wrote and recorded what would eventually become the ZDS album, “Here I Die. . . Zombified†, that has been released on Redrum Records .