Member Since: 10/18/2007
Band Website: This is it!
Band Members: Taz Halloween - Vocals, door keys, piano keys, off keys, organ donor keys, geetar, castinets,bongoes, toy accordion, ukelele, mandola, mouth trumpet
Marty Johnson - Bass, geetar, trumpet and pretty much anything he picks up! (and whomever the wind burps our way!Because of this, we have our alter-ego band name : "Here Comes Everybody!")
Tim Barnes(The first "Johnny" - "Alley Cat" back then in'00! & sometimes SCOTS Member) - Geetars with flames & smoke!
Pete Waggoner(Blue Diablo) - Geetars with smoke & flames!(are always welcome @ our table!!!)Stu Cole (of Squirrel Nut Zippers) & I have an act we
like to call Uncle Sister. And we always welcome him
as an honorary Johnny!
Stu plays Bass, Geetars, banjo AND pretty much everything he picks up!Other Honorary Johnnys :FJ Ventre(TCB 56, Edsel 500, The Buzzkills &
an original "Alley Cat")Bass, keys & vocals
Shannon Morgan (Memphis the Band) - vocals & percussion
John Saylor - vocals & Geetar
Pete Lucy(Memphis the Band) - Accordion
Jeff Lindsey Drums & vocals
Matt Vooris(SNMNMNM, A Rooster for the Masses) - Drums & Vocals
Robert Rockett - Drums
Lou Gagliano (King George & Blue Diablo) - Geetar
Shannon Blackwood(HWYL, Efficacy) - Geetar
Rhiannon Jones(HWYL) - Fiddle
Bengt Walker (the Walkers, HWYL) - Drums
Mitch Rothrock(Dynamite Brothers) - Geetars
Ellen Stevenson - Vocals
Phil Mazarick - Keys
Pat Gallarelli - Saxophones...All honorary Johnnys!Andrew Barnes (drums), Pat Barnes (bass), Stevie Hamlin (guitar & vocals) & Nathan Logan (drums) all were in the Alley Cats & a HUGE part of the Johnnys history! The list before is made up of folks who play with me on a more current calender. Nathan walked through the revolving doors of the Kitty Box rotation recently to join Stu, Marty & I on a trip to Beaufort for coupla gigs! Yay!
Love, Meowrrr & phtt-phtt, "Kitty"
Influences: Marty Johnson, Jim Beam, PBR, the Beast,the Marlboro Man, High Tide, my checking account, the Weather, DNA/Family Genes, Pisces Sun, Moon & Rising, Marty Johnson, Rudy & Poot, Odie, Queen Wilomina of Chatham, Jones, did I mention Marty Johnson! ELLY MAY CLAMPETT! (both in vittle cookin' & the love of critters!)
Sounds Like: Kitteebocksandthuhjawnnees! Hyar! Hyar!
Record Label: Don’t like labels - they itch!
Type of Label: Unsigned