I was born in Ireland the year the Smiths released their first album, but I've never actually been there. I've lived in Medway since the year that the Smiths released The Queen Is Dead, but it would be a full decade until I'd feel inclined to buy a guitar. Now I help provide sporadic but sincere lessons in the power of music via Medways lovliest and most huggable pop-badgers CARPETBURN ! We may not give you an easy ride but since when has anything worth doing been easy?
anyone interested in my pretentious solo career can hear the best part of my new batch of songs at www.songfight.org under the moniker 'Those meddling kids'. Hear how I finally accept I'll never be like bjork and make some random half-arsed clicky, twangy sounds WITH my shabby vocals! as opposed to random clicky twangy sounds over luscious textured backdrops. bye bye Susumu, hello Yoni!
For even more fun why not buy one of the coolest t-shirts ever at www.threadless.com ! none of your friends will have one so they'll all be in awe of you. just watch
Look how well my quest to be Chatham's answer to Robert Pollard is going --->> Pedrography
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I dunno, press the button and find out."
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?