i enjoy spending time with my whole familey and all my cousins because they make my life not be bored all the time my cousins and my whole familey is fun to be with and i am happy to have my whole familey and my cousins in my life
i am only on here to chat with my familey and old friends that i know from high school.
if it was not for my mom, david and dad i would not be listening to old school music and michael jackson all the time on my free time and if it was not for my brother sonny i would not be listening to carlos santana and i would not be listening to hard rock music like metallica and i also like to listening 2pac and other kind of music on my free time
i do not like to go to the movies that much because it cost too much money to go to the movies but i like wait for a good movie to come out on dvd
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my heroes are my mom and dad for for raysing me to be a better good person and have always being there for me well i was growing up and my god father jesse for always being there for me well i was growing and my anunts and uncles for being there for me well i was growing up and my grandparnts for being there for me well i was growing up