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The Lake Harriet Spiritual Community (LHSC)!Since 1988 Lake Harriet Spiritual Community has been serving the Twin Cities as a sacred home honoring all paths to the divine. We are a spiritually diverse community that honors and explores all sacred beliefs and empowers the unique connection to the Divine Spirit within each of us. We join together in spiritual development, healing and service to each other, the Earth and all creation. The mission of LHSC is to increase individual and collective consciousness through practices and teachings that respect all sacred beliefs benefical to personal and spiritual development for each other, the larger community and the Earth. We believe in a Divine Spirit whose essence is the life energy of love that creates, forms and directs the universe. We believe that Spirit has inspired people around the world, and that all sacred belief systems express facets of the Truth. We believe that each of us is unique, integrated manifestation of a loving, Divine Spirit which creates us, pervades us, and emanates from us. We believe that we are all one Spirit, integrally tied together through love with all creation. We believe that we are evolving beings, each with a unique purpose wich is fulfilled by becoming conscious of Spirit's voice and aligning with Spirit's direction. We believe that we are called together to share our gifts and to assist in the evolution of each other and the planet for the greatest good of all.