~!LA VIDA DULCE!~ profile picture


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About Me

I'm Claire Joan Jaramillo. I live with my man Eli Johan Nielsen..(love you babe) and our Gorgeous daughter Evelyn Johanah Nielsen, who is the love of our life and the funniest and smartest damn kid I've ever met!, in North Seattle. I was born and raised in the West and I don't plan on leaving Seattle.. unless I go on vacation of course!! I have a Myspace only to show off! LOL!..my family that is :) I am currently working as a Certified Medical Assistant at Summit Cardiolgy which is a division of Swedish but we are located on Northwest Hospitals campus in the new McMurray Medical Building. I love my job and everything but I plan on going back to school soon to get more $$.. I am so fortunate to have my man Eli because without him it would have been difficult to get where I am now. We had Evelyn soon after I graduated West Seattle High School c/o 2005 and then I got to stay home with her for her first 9 months while Eli supported us, then Evie started going to her Grandma Shawn's daycare The Comfort Zone while I went to school for 4 hours a day to become a Medical Assistant..I had to get out of the house :) Eli, being the great man he is, was supporting us and bringing home the bacon :) Anyways, I got my job right out of school after I did my externship and I also sell Mary Kay makeup on the side to get my Pink Cadillac! So basically we are raking in the dough! Please, Don't hate. I love to shop and I've got the means and CASH to do so. I live LA VIDA DULCE and I am loving every minute of it!

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Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 00:38:00 GMT