Samas was born in 1982 in Schärding (upper Austria)
When he was a kid, with 6 years he started
to play records with his dad, when there has been guests;
years later, when he was 8 years, he got a Casio-keyboard
from his dad;
It was a big pleasure for him;
After some years he started to work with the software program
In the year 2000 he started buying vinyl-records and dj-ing.
Then he played in a lot of concerts in Austria and also in Germany;
He had concerts with sofa surfers, Florian Meindl, and other
famous bands and DJ..s;In his musical career as a DJ, he played Hip-Hop, Drum..n..Bass and House.
Today his favorites music-styles are Electropop, Techno, and Hip-Hop.
Since 2007 Samas started to make his own productions (Electro, Techno,
and Hip-Hop).
He is also owner of his own homwerecording-studio with hard- and
With lots of fun and heart he reaches people.
Radio Fm4 La Boum Deluxe - Funkhaus, Vienna
Radio Orange/Project Of Science - Vienna
B72 - Vienna
Essstadt - Vienna
Badeschiff/Laderaum - Vienna
Tüwi - Vienna
Vekks - Vienna
Celeste - Vienna
Elektro Gönner - Vienna
Weberknecht - Vienna
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst - Vienna
Ra..mien - Vienna
Club Bogaloo - Pfarrkirchen, Germany
Silo 1 - Töging, Germany
Safari Festival - Kößlarn, Germany
X-Point - Passau, Germany
Club/Bad Höhenstadt - Germany
Salzamt - Linz
Pressure - Neumarkt-Kallham
Fly - Prambachkirchen
Rockslide Festival - Kopfing
Hafnerkeller - Ried im Innkreis
Berghammer - Sigharting