~foo fighting beatdown magic ~the misses' delicious dishes ^_^ ~mass relays ~the under dark ~unlimited ammo ~PA Rectification ~RAMPING DA PAINT!@ ~kinetic barriers ~chainsaw bayonets ~the mako m35 ~PA piercing rounds ~classic novels ~dai nippon ~questioning religion ~questioning authority ~questioning society ~omen winds ~synthetic focusing crystals ~positive frames ~warm water ~180 degree QB's ~phoenix falcon firebirds ~diatiam power cells ~smack talking ~dual wieldin ~curb stompin ~romp rompin ~f,N,d/f+2, f,N,d/f+2, 1, f,N,d/f+4,1 action
i wanna meet the rest of Sabrina's other personalities, der :Pno seriously as far as women, i've met who i want to spend the rest of my life with. . .i am deeply sorry to all the other hopefuls. . .
as for anybody else, i wanna meet someone who plays VIDEOGAMES!!! hahahaha no i'm serious, and someone who likes comic books and someone who won't think i'm a loser if i sit there and talk about the feasibility of life on other planets without contradicting the ruling factor in my life that is Christ the Lord. . . wait, i've already met someone like that, check out the #3 spot on my top friends. . . DOH!---"if i knew you earlier i would have taken you away from it all"
-+-"where were you when i needed you?"
---"looking for you"
-+-"but i kept running" i hope you found what you're looking for, because i have
old school punk, metal, metalcore, jazz, modern "punk", classical, pimp juice
I like Tim Burton movies, partially cause i'm weird and partially because he's my wife's favorite director. i mean there really is too many movies to even list like i'm in LOVE with Star Wars, um i am legend was good, 300 was awesome, Beowulf in 3D was cool, Forbidden Kingdom deserved all the hype, see i can keep going here, you name it i probably liked it.
King of Queens is probably the best, then there's Living in Color and the Bernie Mac show. . . SNL, House. . .and well that's about it. I don't really watch TV, i'm either working, playing video games or on the computer :-/
I love books. I enjoy classics such as the Iliad, Paradise Lost, Canterbury Tales, and Beowulf but i also enjoy modern geek books like the Halo novels, Ghost Rider comics, Transformers comics and Strategy Guides for video games. . .now that's some good reading!
Jesus, because well because.