IndustrialGoth: Thats what I consider myself. My name is Plastik. Don't like it? to bad. Wanna make fun of it? your easy minded.
I trust other people more than myself. I second Guess everything. I don't make a move unless it's planned out. I like to think of myself as always moldable, plyable, open to suggestion. What I am today is everything I thought other people wanted from me. What other people told me to be. That may seem week to some people, but I just try to please. I'll always put other peoples needs before my own. I'm shy and soft-spoken. I'd rather think than talk. I'm fairly unsocial. If you talk to me then you know your one of the few. Others approach me, I rarely ever approach others. I find the people of the world to be too content with their schedueled lives. people would rather be enemys with strangers than possible friends.
I like to sew.
I like to play video games.
I like to dress up.
I like to take photos.
I look for industrial places to take photos of. abandoned buildings, bridges, underground tunnels, things of the like.
Send me stuffed animal panda's, I collect panda's. ^_^