David Tennant *ACTUAL HOTTIE*and ewan mcgregor when he was in moulin rouge *swoon*...i think i have a thing for scottish guys!!
i will gladly listen to anything
well to be honest i will watch anything though i draw the line at horror movies, and especially enjoy the whole LORT and Star Wars thing, god i sound like a *geek*!
apsolutly LOVE the OC, dr. who *david tennant actual hottie*, ER, ugly betty and topgear *such a blokes show but i still LOVE IT!!*
Love to read...will read anything so just shove a book my way!
Audrey Hepburn without a doubt, the most amazing actress ever! with an incredible sense of style. and i suppose i have to include the friends; *Jenny* *Beth* *Nat* *Gina* *Hanz* *Kat* *Ellie* *Jessi* *Cat* these skanks I have known for too long than i care to remember and i just cant rid of them! but i love them anyway!! I suppose F-Unit as well just because of their pure achievement of being able to be apsolutely the most annoying people on the planet and 5 mins totally nice and perfectly normal. *Ellie McD* *Rach* *Dashini* *Alice* *Abey* and various others who are my kewl new hills road buddies who make me want to go to class (mainly so i can copy work!)/just hang out with/casually meet on casual college trips ie Athens/Washington/Skiing!!!!!!!!!!! *Olive* *Sophie* *Laura* *Jamie* *Stacy* my Sainsburys buddies who help me cope with my crazy stalker and general work stuff, all while looking hot in our uniforms (yes fruit covered shirts suit everyone!!) also a special mention has to go out to *Jon* and *Alex* as they saved me from sliding to my death on a ski slope...they are the best/really talented skiers!!